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People who have cancers in parts of the body responsible for blood production, like the liver, may also experience unusual clotting. Erickson, F. (2014). This essential oil can help reduce swelling and increase blood circulation, which can help the bruise heal faster. According to Dr. Melinda Ratini on WebMD, peripheral vascular disease commonly affects the legs.12 The journal Physical Therapy says that a complication of diabetes is bruising or injuries that dont heal.13. The possible benefits of medicine always need to be weighed against the potential side effects. American Cancer Society. Acanthosis nigricans is a condition that can develop in people living with diabetes (most often connected with type 2 diabetes) where there is too much insulin in the blood stream. Yes: Yes, it is possible, but should not happen. Hills, J., How to Get Rid of Bruises Naturally (According to Research), Healthy and Natural World; http://www.healthyandnaturalworld.com/get-rid-of-bruises/, last accessed August 28, 2017. 2019;35(4):e70-e71. If it doesn't resolve on it's own, see your family doctor. This doesn't mean the symptoms are faked or"all in the head" they're real and can affect your ability to function properly. American Diabetes Association. Mayo Clinic Staff. Some autoimmune diseases that cause unexplained random bruising are: There are some serious advanced medical conditions that can also cause unexplained bruising on your body. (2016). This includes the joints, skin, and blood vessel walls. It is difficult to make a diagnosis without an examination. It means not enough normal blood cells are produced, which can cause anaemia, infections and bruising or bleeding. Bruising is common. So, if the bruise is still there well after four weeks, its recommended that you seek medical attention. Sometimes, bruising without an injury could be a sign of a serious underlying medical condition like diabetes, a blood clotting disorder, or an autoimmune disease. Lupus is a chronic inflammatory disease where the bodys immune system attacks its own tissues and organs. i do an injection in that place. Dr. Dennis Lee on MedicineNet says that along with random bruises, liver disease can turn the skin yellow and cause all over body itching. Thrombocytopenia in pregnancy. For example, cirrhosis is the result of continuous long-term damage, and bruising easily is a symptom. This can lead to a decrease in blood flow, causing more strain on your blood cells and bruising for no reason, especially in the legs. We avoid using tertiary references. This can even cause permanent discoloration to your skin. A hematoma is what you might refer to as a goose egg. A lot of damaged blood cells collects and clots under the skin, raising it into a lump or bump. Video chat with a U.S. board-certified doctor 24/7 in less than one minute for common issues such as: colds and coughs, stomach symptoms, bladder infections, rashes, and more. If diabetes has already been diagnosed, your bruising may simply be a result of slow wound healing. All rights reserved. The condition can lead to bruising that lasts longer than normal because of the way it affects wound healing. When your blood takes longer to clot, more of it leaks from your blood vessels and accumulates under your skin. Pelvic fractures are typically the result of high impact injuries. But if you still find unusual bruises after switching up your diet or cutting back on OTC pain relievers, it may be time to consult a doctor. Icelandic. There may be a blood clotting issue or another underlying condition that needs treatment. 2018;11(1):13-18. Most cases of random bruising are nothing to worry about. 2017;22(7):365-366. doi:10.1093/pch/pxx139, Wolpert K, Szadkowski M, Miescier M, Hewes HA. A lack of vitamin C allows weakens the blood vessels and causes the body to bruise easier. Type 1 diabetes: symptoms. When you combine this with everything mentioned above, bruises begin to be a more likely and repeated occurrence. However, medicine isn't always the answer painkillers or sedatives, for example,may lead to dependence. White, G. (2008). Certain severe medical conditions can cause unexplained bruising, bleeding, and blood clots. J Clin Aesthet Dermatol. The purple and black phase usually occurs within two or three days. Vitamin K. Unexplained Bruising Causes in Older Adults, Bruises Are Rarely Something to Worry About, https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/bruises, http://chemocare.com/chemotherapy/side-effects/bruising.aspx, http://www.medicaldaily.com/unexplained-bruising-contusions-377238, http://www.healthyandnaturalworld.com/get-rid-of-bruises/, http://www.emedicinehealth.com/bruises/article_em.htm, http://www.hematology.org/Patients/Bleeding.aspx, https://www.symptomfind.com/health/changing-colors-bruises-and-what-they-mean/, 1 ounce dried of comfrey leaves (or 2 ounces of fresh leaves) finely chopped. For example, being in the sun too long, aging, or a vitamin deficiency can weaken small blood vessels near the skins surface. Now, youve read about what causes bruises, so it may seem a little odd that a bruise should suddenly form on its own. See a doctor if you suspect your symptoms are a result of von Willebrand disease. Without treatment, these may increase in size, join together, and form larger bruises. However, not all bruising has a simple explanation. But first, we need to look at the different types of bruises and what causes them. Cancer. Without enough platelets, the blood has trouble clotting. Tea bags, specifically black tea bags, can help heal a bruise faster. Vitamins perform many important functions in your blood. NHS. Stratakis CA. An unexplained bruise on the breast that doesnt disappear may be one of the first signs of inflammatory breast cancer. Leukaemia and myeloma happen when there are too many abnormal cells in the blood and bone marrow (where blood cells are made). any help? If you notice that you have bruising after working out that is unexplained or the result of an injury, you should follow the RICE method to help the bruise heal quicker. Mayo Clinic Staff. Although your stomach and back can be. A bone bruise is a type of bruise that occurs when blood and fluid build up inside and around an injured bone. Although in rare cases random bruising can be a sign of a serious condition, the bruising will be accompanied by many other symptoms. If you're in pain, a pharmacist can recommend: stronger painkillers But what does unexplained bruising mean? WebMD. Older people tend to bruise easily because of changes to their skin as they age. (2016). doi:10.1097/PEC.0000000000001083. There are several causes that may lead to unexplained bruising, like certain medications, nutrient deficiencies, and medical conditions. Get prescriptions or refills through a video chat, if the doctor feels the prescriptions are medically appropriate. it is not painful. It can cause excessive bleeding which leads to easy bruising. Laeknabladid. A poor diet can affect health in a number of negative ways, and vitamin deficiencies can contribute to random bruising. There are a few natural and quick ways to help the bruise disappear a bit faster than normal. Unexplained Bruising on Your Body: Causes and Treatments was last modified: July 17th, 2019 by Jenny Hills, Nutritionist and Medical Writer. A GP will aim to rule out all the possible conditions that might be causing your symptoms. If a bruise lasts well past the four-week mark, its a good idea to seek medical advice as it may be a sign of one of the conditions mentioned. Thereare things you can do to improve or even relieve some physical symptoms,such as taking regular exercise and managing stress. The neurologist may refer you for psychotherapy but will also consider other therapy options, such as physiotherapy or occupational therapy . Cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy and targeted therapy, may also lead to bruising. This is called dermatoporosis. Kawasaki disease Most bruising occurs as a result of some kind of injury. 2012;98(6):355-359. As noted in the previous section, the fatty layer of your skin begins to disappear as you get older, giving the blood cells underneath it less protection from various physical causes of bruising. Bruises that take longer than usual to disappear are another concern. (2009). Whats Causing Broken Blood Vessels on My Face? What are bruises? WebMD. St. John, T., The Changing Colors of Bruises and What They Mean, Symptom Find, May 7, 2016; https://www.symptomfind.com/health/changing-colors-bruises-and-what-they-mean/, last accessed August 28, 2017. In this article, you will find out what could be causing random bruising on your legs and other body parts, and in some cases, how to get rid of the bruise quickly. In some cases, random bruising may be associated with one of the following less common causes. Why do women bruise more easily than men? It can be used as part of an ointment like the one described below. Unfortunately, as we get older, getting unexplained bruises becomes more of a fact of life due to skin changes and medications. Clotting screen (prothrombin time [PT], activated partial thromboplastin time [aPTT], and international normalized ratio [INR] if the person is taking . Required for collagen production, boosting the immune system, and maintaining antioxidant activity, vitamin C is versatile and vital to health. This may help speed the healing process because it lowers inflammation and prevents more blood from pooling in the area. Experiencing random bruising can be alarming, but it doesnt always warrant a visit to your doctor. MayoClinic. Bruises and blood spots under the skin. The bruise doesnt heal within two weeks. Some studies suggest that certain dietary supplements such as fish oil, garlic, and ginseng may also be factors in bleeding and bruising. 2006 Oct; 65(10): 13411345. Learn more about bruises on dark skin here. Many people have persistent physical complaints, such as dizziness or pain, that don't appear to be symptoms of a medical condition. The result of extreme vitamin C deficiency is scurvy, which also leads to bleeding gums, fingernail and tooth loss, and heart failure. WebMD. There are several different bleeding disorders that can cause a person to bruise randomly, including: Nutrients are important for all bodily functions, and not getting enough vitamins and minerals can cause various health issues. Sex can also affect bruising as women tend to bruise more easily than men. The National Hemophilia Foundation says that along with excessive bruising, hemophiliacs usually have unexplained nosebleeds, extended bleeding from minor cuts and scrapes, and women may have very heavy menstrual periods.8. Someone with von Willebrand disease might notice large or lumpy bruises from minor, even unnoticeable, injuries. Bruises that are caused by underlying health conditions are addressed by treating the specific condition or disease. The skin is also thin, fragile, and easily damaged. As a result, hemophilia sufferers bleed longer and bruise easier. Cushing syndrome. Noble, J. M., & Patterson, M. C. (2020). Skin manifestations of Cushing's syndrome.

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