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ensure that the figures and tables are clear and will fit in the space available. Sometimes they are more busy. Improve the chances of your manuscripts acceptance by learning how to prepare a manuscript for journal submission and handle the peer review process. A vital, and often overlooked, aspect of peer review is that in the current system, peer reviewers are normally not paid for their work. This stage includes checks on authorship, competing interests, ethics approval and plagiarism. Subscribe and get curated content that will give impetus to your research paper. Editors, on the other hand, must guard against a different category of mistake, as it is their responsibility to balance the intense investment of the authors in a particular decision against the more diffuse interests not only of their readers but also of other authors. What does this mean and should I contact the editor? Instructions for ordering reprints are provided after the paper is scheduled for publication. Can I ask the editor to publish a withdrawn manuscript after acceptance? Usually, the times vary from two to six months, but there is no fixed rule. AE stands for Associate Editor. and JavaScript. resubmitnoveltyresubmit, 4. 2022.5.11 Manuscript under submission/Manuscript received, 2022.5.12 Editor assigned/Manuscript under consideration, 6.2Manuscript under considerationNS, Decision sent to author, NZip for reviewers, 9All Reviewers Assigned109Manuscript under consideration, 2022.10.10 Manuscript under consideration/Decision sent to author/Waiting for revision, , comments, #1, #2, #3IMEC&, 2022.11.23 Manuscript under submission/Manuscript received/Editor assigned/Manuscript under consideration (), 2022.11.25 Editor Decision Started (All Reviewer Assigned), 1212All Reviewer AssignedManuscript under consideration, 2022.12.13 Manuscript under consideration/Decision sent to author/Waiting for revision, #1hhhh, #3comment. Authors often ask for a new referee to be consulted, particularly in cases where two referees have been used and one is negative, the other positive. There isnt any secret code to deciphering the submission tracker. You can appeal to the editorial board, giving a point-by-point argument against the editors views. and if it is not clarified on the . Obviously, the most difficult situations are those in which the reviewers arrive at nearly or . Peer review comments, cover letter and more. In a perfect world, we would consult with dozens of experts, who would spend many hours considering every point in the manuscript. In light of such uncertainty, the threshold for reversing a decision must be set well above the level of 'noise' in the process: otherwise, decisions would simply go back and forth endlessly in a kind of Brownian motion. Overall, it is relatively uncommon for new information to completely change our view of a manuscript, and we ultimately uphold our original decisions in over 90% of cases. This structured form allows us to evaluate the issues more efficiently, and we hope it will also help authors focus their arguments, and perhaps even recognize when they are wasting their time. Rejection is of course a fact of life for all scientists, particularly when they submit their work to highly selective journals; in less than five years since its inception, Nature Neuroscience . The criteria for a paper to be sent for peer-review are that the results seem novel, arresting (illuminating, unexpected or surprising), and that the work described has both immediate and far-reaching implications. section 8 houses for rent in stockbridge, ga editor decision started nature rejection [CDATA[// > Authors are provided the opportunity to opt out of this scheme at the completion of the peer review process, before the paper is accepted. Thank you for visiting nature.com. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Most journals typically take around 4-12 weeks to share their final decision. It doesnt mean anything other than the editor has started to look at your paper. Please avoid repeating information that is already present in the abstract and introduction. Hopefully, the exact situation will become clear with the next status update. [CDATA[// >

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