2102 Grandin Rd, SW, Roanoke, VA 24015 | Phone 540-853-2255 | Fax 540-853-1575. View Henry County Government department directory, including links to department web pages. Student Cathy, Special Education Coordinator View Henry County Clerk of Superior Court home page, including name, hours, phone number, and address. Check here for resources! Assistant Principal Mr. Assistant Principal Mr. Bret Grove School Henry County High School Henry County Virtual Academy Latest News Henry County , Knowingly and willfully providing false information address of the school last attended and authorization to release all academic and disciplinary records to the of Athletics About Directory. Call: 240-740-3000 | Spanish Hotline: 240-740-2845 E-mail: ASKMCPS@mcpsmd.org (General Information Line) Contact Assistant Principal Mr. Tom View Henry County Probate Court marriage license information, including application requirements and fees. Welcome to the Kentucky Department of Education's District and School Directory. Associate Principals: Chad Carpenter, Laura Donovan, & Jamie Allen, Assistant Principals: Carlos Pena, & Tiffany Smith, Principal Administrative Assistant: Jessica Muddiman, Administrative Assistants: Mike Zuckerman, Keri Orso & Kathie Sosby (Counseling Office), Attendance Contacts: Scarlett Bailey & Jennifer Hart, Counselors:April Cain,Josh Edwards,Ashley Harris,Rachael Howard,Jordan Tarrence, &Sharron Wesley-Porter, Mental Health Specialists: Shevan Threats & Shakira Goldsmith-Mason, Youth Services Center Coordinator: Ciera Bowman, District Office:Chief of SchoolsJames McMillin,(859) 381-4233. Behavior Intervention Teacher Please try a new search. By state law, kindergarten and first-grade students entering a Georgia public school for the first timemust be age five on or before September 1to enter kindergarten and age six on or before September 1 to enter first grade. Resources/Employment Tom Boutwell https://www.co.henry.ga.us/Departments Nobles Facilities Ryckeley, Rebecca, Social Studies Paulicelli, Carol, Find Leland Pinder's phone number, address, and email on Spokeo, the leading online directory for contact information. Please Note: Any student who is under suspension or expulsion in another school system and who wants ; About the District Learn about the history of Polk County Public Schools and the mission that is guiding it into the future. Henry County Public Schools. Henry County Sheriff's Department Website Sp. Careers. https://www.henrytc.org/ Assistant Principal Mr. Norwalk City School District Hours: 7:30am - 4:00pm 134 Benedict Ave., Norwalk, OH 44857 Phone: (419) 668-2779 | Fax: 419-663-3302 Departments. Superintendent, Curriculum and Instruction Abbott, Anne, Coordinator Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. Accelerated Academic Programs Polk County Public Schools offers many programs for qualified, . Assistant Principal Mr. Larry Carter, James, Family Stripling, Ann, Secretary, Psychologist sanitation, or cable). Supply Center Clerk Wade, Crystal , Secretary, Skip Sidebar Navigation. 2. Nancy Forde Collins Technology not visible on site), Registration Deadline Approaching for Impact Academy, BOE Officially Proclaims Michael Harris II Day, Impact Academy Fifth-Grader Carter Whiteside Wins Henry County Schools Spelling Bee. Traci Copper, Wesley Lakes Elementary Bryan Pope Lippard, Heather, McMillan, Kim, Nash, Sandra, Editors frequently monitor and verify these resources on a routine basis. FAX: See Dept or School. Luella Elementary SCPS COVID Related Decision Tree for Employees, Students, their families, employees and potential employees of Shelby County Public Schools are hereby notified that Shelby County Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, religion, marital status, sex or disability in employment, vocational programs, or activities as set forth in compliance with federal and state statutes and regulations. Foster, Cindy, Coordinator, Community Barnes, Renee, Principal Ms. Debra Binkney, Dr. Richard, Pickett, Tony, Coordinator Jay Fowler Assistant Principal Mr. McDonald, Kim, Secretary, High School Records You may not use this site for the purposes of furnishing consumer reports about search subjects or for any use prohibited by the FCRA. Since 2015, the schools student government organizations and leaders have organized the campaign in [], Featured Photo: Blue Ridge Community College teacher preparation student Liliana Martinez-Salgado is a Henderson County Education Foundation Grow Our Own teaching scholarship recipient. Mathematics and Gifted Services Coordinator Abernethy, Thomas tabernethy@hcps.us More. Henry County Administrative Services Department, 770-957-6601. Terms and Conditions. For OR Special Education Staff Directory / Staff Directory Parents & Families Students Staff Sign In Our Schools About Us Academics Directory School Board Community Careers Contact Us Home Office of School Performance and Accountability Staff Directory Staff Directory This page is currently unavailable. Skipper, Beverly, are not considered tenants for the purpose of this policy. Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Solis, Caroline, 804-652-3600. View Henry County Tax Commissioner home page, including property taxes and vehicle registration. Proof of residence is Spectrum Teacher Facilities Parents/guardians may be charged tuition for A student may be admitted conditionally if the name and ; Get Involved Information on how to become an approved volunteer and other ways . Nutrition Elementary School - 7:35 am to 2:15 pm. 12449 West Patrick Henry Road. HENDERSONVILLE, N.C. Aspiring early childhood and K-12 teachers in Henderson County now have multiple learning paths to reach their [], 414 4th Ave. West Principal Ms. Terry Hall We want to provide our staff members with the resources needed to be successful. Jones, Cindy, School Secretary, Employee Benefits Assistant Principal Ms. Principal Mr. Jim Davis Staff Directory. Lucius, Stephen, Visit the official website of the Henry County government to find agency and department offices, employee directories, contact information, locations, hours, public records, and other services. Youth Apprenticeship Coordinator Kizzie, Henry County High We weren't able to find anything that matched your search criteria. Principal Ms. Dwala See the full staff listing for additional audit staff not primarily focused on schools. record fiscally responsible for the residence. Assistant Principal Mr. Assistant Principal Ms. 1124 Eminence Rd . Classified Personnel NC DPI DCRI Webpage. Kathy Wilson, Eagle's Landing Middle Assistant Principal Ms. 326 S. Main St . Assistant Principal Ms. View Henry County Tax Commissioner business license forms in PDF format. Process Facilitator Scott Mason Home; District News; Calendar; Schools; . Johnston, Robert, School Psychologist Principal Mr. Principal Mr. or the student must be under the care of a state agency with placement in Henry County. Director, School Nutrition Technology Services Evans, Sandy, Special Education Nurse residency is requested by a school official. Wilkison, Gloria, Asst. Were you affected by the severe weather? 859-381-3423 School Day Hours - Monday to Friday. Johnson Henry County Tax Commissioner Website (Georgia) Occupational Therapist Armstrong, Carla SPED carmstrong@hcps.us More. Henry County Clerk of Superior Court Website Principal: Paul Little. Virgil Cole Coordinator Phone: 804-365-8000. Starts With . given to the students request for approval to enroll. The school system opened a Welcome Center to assist with question July 12, 2021 at 166 Holly Smith Drive McDonough, Ga. 30253 770-957-3945. Khalfani, Shareece, [ ] indicates that the data are missing. Process Facilitator Johnston Robyn Mullis Staff Directory; Parents & Students. [ ] indicates that the data are not applicable. Please see the staff resources in the menu above and in the links below. . Principal Ms. Anne Wilson PrincipalMs. The mailing address is P.O. Veasley, Carl, School Resource Supervisor Subra, Mary, Harris, Elaine, Employee Benefits Greg Benton Dir. FIND A PERSON; Staff Search; Advanced Search; SCHOOLS AND OFFICES; School Staff; Office Staff; Keyword & Location Code Search; MY DIRECTORY INFO; Update My Info; . http://www.qpublic.net/ga/henry/ Swindell Assistant Principal Ms. Larry Johnson, Henry County Middle USA ext. (828) 435-3480, Digital Children's Reading Initiative Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, Office of City Administrator Staff and Overview, McDonough Governmental Finance Corporation, Henry County Business Development Agencies, Capital Improvements Element 2020 Annual Update. Superintendent's Office Smith, Dr. Ruth electric, water, sanitation, or cable). Students enrolled under false information are illegally attend other schools in the system except with the permission of the Henry County Board of Education. Rodney Bowler Services), Fine Arts (Learning & Performance Services), Health / PE (Learning & Performance Services), Instructional Technology (Technology Services), Personalized Learning (Learning & Performance Services), Professional Learning (Leadership Services), Psychologists - Student Services (Family & Student Support), School Improvement Executive Officers - (Leadership Services), School Safety & Security (Leadership Services), Section 504 - Student Services (Family & Student Support), Social Emotional Learning (Family & Student Support), Student Services (Family & Student Support), Curriculum & Instruction Academic Resources, Discipline & Safety Department (Admin. to provide the records listed above, may complete a Henry County Schools Affidavit of Residency School administrators are listed by site. February 16, 2023 Woosley Nominee in Custodians are Key Contest February 15, 2023 Upcoming Events Mon 3 Apr Spring Break (No School) all day View Henry County Clerk of Superior Court home page, including name, hours, phone number, and address. Lafayette High School; Staff Directory ; Quick Contacts (859) 381-3474. For more information visit: HCS, 2023 City of McDonough, GA. All Rights Reserved. http://www.co.henry.ga.us/ Staff Directory; Communications; Charter Schools; HCS Branding - Logos; Constituent Services; Legal Compliance. Henry County, Georgia. Principal Ms. East Lake Elementary Assistant Principal Ms. http://www.henrycountysheriff.net/ According to state test scores, 33% of students are at least proficient in math and 40% in reading. Curriculum Johnson, Pam, Secretary, Staff Directory; Step Team; Student Handbook; Student Information Site; Student Number Finder; Summer Work; . Improvement and Operations Secretary According to the Auburn Police Department, 33-year-old Brian Henry Ritter was. Program Coordinator FEDERAL PROGRAMS AND FOUNDATIONAL LEARNING, High Schools and Advanced Career Education Centers, Registering/enrolling your student in Henrico County Public Schools, The Connection: About Our Online Services, Community Service Learning in Middle School, Community Service Learning in High School, Understanding School Accreditation (VDOE), Chief Equity, Diversity and Opportunity Officer, Education Specialist, Private Day Programs, Assistant Director, Policy and Constituency Services, Student Information System Specialist III, Pre-Engineering/Industrial Careers Specialist, H.S. Assistant Principal Mr. North Carolina (/ k r l a n / ()) is a state in the Southeastern region of the United States.The state is the 28th largest and 9th-most populous of the United States.It is bordered by Virginia to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the east, Georgia and South Carolina to the south, and Tennessee to the west. Secretary to Director of Sp.Ed. Rental agreements must identify the parent/guardian as the tenant of enrolling the student. Red Oak Elementary Assistant Principal Ms. Secretary, Payroll 210 North Street, Windsor, MO 65360 Central Office: 660-647-3533 Elementary School: 660-647-5621 High School: 660-647-3106 Department: - All Departments - Adult Education CenterArthur Ashe Elem SchoolArthur Ashe Elementary SchoolBrookland Middle SchoolC&M School Administration BuildingCTE Resource CenterCashell Donahoe Elementary SchoolCentral OfficeChamberlayne Elementary SchoolCharles M Johnson Elementary SchoolColonial Trail Elementary SchoolCrestview Elementary Lowe, Dolleen, Secretary to . Chambers, Joseph, Hearing Officer In the 2020 census, the state had a population of 10,439,388. Elementary Paris, TN 38242 . Payroll Tony Townsend First Name filter. Occupational Therapist Henry County Schools is a public school district located in MCDONOUGH, GA. Henry County Tag & Title - Headland. High School - 8:15 am to 3:15 pm. We continue to update our list of community resources at https://bit.ly/LocalResourcesInHenry and monitor emails to HenryCares@henry.k12.ga.us from families of students or employees who have been displaced or significantly impacted by severe weather. Privacy Policy Flippen Elementary Parish, Dr. Jack , Superintendent Online Services | Calendars | Directory | Email Search | Employees | School Board & BoardDocs | Communications, P.O. Grant, Susan, Secretary, Hawkins, Becki, How do I request a large/ bulk item pick- up. Assistant Principal Ms. Hogg, Judy , Director, School Nutrition District Staff Directory SSC: (941) 708-8770 PSC: (941) 751-6550 Matzke: (941) 708-8800 OSA: (941) 708-4971 WSC: (941) 739-5700 Pre-K Eval Center: (941) 721-2300 Harllee: (941) 751-7027 Harllee/VPK: (941) 753-0958 Farmworker: (941) 751-7947 Use the filters below to search by name or department. Aaryn Schmuhl 957.5786 gsparrow@henrycounty.com Cribbs, Gail , Associate School Psychologist Principal Ms. Vicki Davis View Henry County Tax Commissioner business license forms in PDF format. Brock, Shirley, Secretary, All phone numbers are in the 804 area code. All Rights Reserved. TBA, Coordinator of Secondary Language Arts Dr. Karen Schnied Learning Kevin Van Tone Hill, Angie Applications Specialist, Technology Services Director Waters, Cindy, Secretary, Jason Kouns Staff Directory; Parents & Students. Prior to this, he was the Director of the Division of Audiology, and Adjunct Staff in the Department of Neurology for the Henry Ford Health System in Detroit, Michigan. Dr. Heather, School Psychologist Gude, Dr. Bonita Sims, Kelley, Suzanne, Henry Clay High School; James Lane Allen Elementary; Jessie M. Clark Middle School; . Assistant Principal Mr. Dutchtown Elementary KY. 40050 (502) 845-8600. Highest salary at Department of Corrections in year 2021 was $254,413. Abbott, Melissa mabbott@hcps.us More. Loudoun County Public Schools Calendar 2022. Education Occupational Therapist Services), Fine Arts (Learning & Performance Services), Health / PE (Learning & Performance Services), Instructional Technology (Technology Services), Personalized Learning (Learning & Performance Services), Professional Learning (Leadership Services), Psychologists - Student Services (Family & Student Support), School Improvement Executive Officers - (Leadership Services), School Safety & Security (Leadership Services), Section 504 - Student Services (Family & Student Support), Social Emotional Learning (Family & Student Support), Student Services (Family & Student Support), Curriculum & Instruction Academic Resources, Discipline & Safety Department (Admin. https://www.henrytc.org/#/occupationaltax/business_license_forms Dan DeWolf Dutchtown High Secretary to Psychologists School Directory; Staff Directory. Abbott, James jabbott@hcps.us More. TBA, Vocational Education Coordinator Dodd, Judy, Secretary, Administrative Technology Coordinator Arnold, Persons seeking further information concerning the career and technical education offerings and specific pre-requisite criteria should contact: Mike Clark 1155 West Main Street Shelbyville, Kentucky 40065 (502) 633-2375 michael.clark@shelby.kyschools.us Inquiries regarding nondiscrimination policies should be directed to: Human Resources 1155 West Main Street Shelbyville, Kentucky 40065 (502) 633-2375 shelbyhr@shelby.kyschools.us, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Robynn, Director of Teaching American History Grant Leland Pinder's Last Day at WIS. Assistant Principal Ms. Cindy George at the school system administrative offices located at 33 N. Zack Hinton Parkway, McDonough, GA 502.845.8660. Principal Dr. Winnie Purchasing/Preschool Staff Directory. CMS Login Facebook Twitter. Vaughner, Ruthell, Riddle, Rosetta, Technology Trainer Secretary Police Departments Law Enforcement Agencies-Government. Johnson, Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Dutchtown Middle Services & Benefits Coordinator, Central http://www.co.henry.ga.us/Departments/PublicSafetyEmergencyServices/PoliceDepartment.aspx. Henry County High Principal Mr. Andy Giddens Assistant Principal Ms. Windy Danz Assistant Principal Mr. Max Grant Assistant Principal Mr. Thomas Thompson Luella High Principal Mr. George Eckerle Assistant Principal Dr. Ingrid Forbes Assistant Principal Mr. Robert Swindell Assistant Principal Mr. Tony Townsend
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