hart rebarreling service

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Whether it is facilities and ground maintenance, painting, clearing pastures, cleaning tack, or organizing, your group can make a big difference in the quality of life for our horses and people in our community! Our goal is to finish the chores in time to spend quality time with the horses, preparing them for their forever homes. Hart has rebarelled, or built up, 8 different rifles for me, since 1968. LaFayette, NY 13084. Dealing with a chronic illness has encouraged me to start checking things off my bucket list. PRICES DO NOT INCLUDE COST OF PARTS. Yvonne was the beloved eldest daughter of the late John R. and Lois B. Hart. a 12 twist .243. won the first 1000 yard match i shot it in, Had a browning a bolt that i bought new what would not shoot it. If you need a copy of our FFL, please call Carpentry? Customize and order your Hart Rifle Barrel online. are met, you are capable of change! Heart 2 Serve believes when your basic needs (food, clothing, shelter, etc.) (in Black, Coyote Tan, or Outdoor Green), and Cerakote coatings (several colors to choose from: visit Please call (315) 677-9841 for more HART participates in many local community events and fundraising activities. if you saw that 18-22 week turn around on the internet i would call and verify that as they are running around three weeks on a barrel recently. Like the stainless look but not the shine? I would like to give a huge shout out to Hart Barrels, sent them a question about a rechamber/Barrel job and they sent back their phone number and so I called them. Lets get to know each other. We do any size job the customer may request. The biggest problem I see is that you have to use THEIR barrel! I had a Hart barrel on my custom Model 7 .308 Win To say it was accurate is an understatement. Campfire Oracle. I have found most barrel companies are reputable & wish to keep their customers happy. He's in Adamstown. Among our many exterior finish options, we offer Teflon coating in Black, Coyote Tan, or Outdoor Green. info@h2si.org(909) 597-1892Chino Hills, CA 91709, P.O. Krieger Barrels offers a full range of services on our AR-15 and AR-10/M110 barrels (drop in ready with a JP Bolt) and various services on our Bolt Action, M1 Garand, M1A and M1903 barrels. Please wear weather appropriate clothing (rain or shine), closed-toed shoes, and bring a bag lunch. 10 a.m. - Noon. I use Hart Barrels but have never used their Gunsmith services other than having them re contour one of their heavy barrel to a number 3, but i have used Pac Nor and they do great work. then you may need to repeat the procedure. Standard contours from Douglas, Shilen, Krieger, Bartlein and many others are also available. New Construction - Remodels - Interior/Exterior - Patches - Sandblast & Re Stucco - Lathing - Venetian Plaster - Acrylic Plaster - Decorative Foam - Waterproofing - Trouble Shooting & Repair of Problems. Call 1-315-677-9841 for more information. That included a Hart barrel, chamber job, trued action, squared the bolt face and lapped the bolt lugs and put a nice finish on the barrel. cerakoteguncoatings.com). Shoots great. Sources: The Impact of Limited Housing Opportunities on Formerly Incarcerated People in the Context of Addiction Recovery by Dina Chavira and Leonard Jason of the Department of Psychology, DuPaul University, Chicago; Addict Behavior: Most Common Patterns of Substance Abuse Addiction from TheRecoveryVillage.com. Have not used them before, but I was considering them until I saw they have an 18-22 week wait. Estimated Barrel Order Lead Time (IN WEEKS) Due to the production time on a custom barrel, McGowen requires a 50% Deposit on this product. download the rebarreling worksheet consultations Our experts have decades of experience. Have not used them before, but I was considering them until I saw they have an 18-22 week wait. It feels impossible and hopeless to confront the addiction, acquire long-term housing, or break the cycle. In his spare time, Jim loves to get outside and spend time with his family. These sturdy containers lock and can be stacked, depending on your needs. We accept only the highest craftsmanship standards and use only top-grade materials, with individualized quality control in every step of the process. Pac-nor, Shilen and Hart all advertise rebarreling services, and I am looking for recommendations either for or against any of them. If your Hart Rifle Barrel has a possible defect, send it to us for a careful inspection. Hart Rifle Barrels are acclaimed by experts as the most accurate rifle barrels in the world. 77-22. Please call (315) 677-9841 for more information on finished barrels. Is this "urban legend" or fact? We will be cleaning stalls, handling horses, and learning about horsemanship and . We moved to Florida two years ago, and thats when I found HART. Hart Barrels are properly hand-lapped, from the beginning, which means no break-in period and no F.P.S variations. Venetian Plaster produces an attractive and elegant 3-D finish that enhances the light and dark tones of the same color. For rifles that we rebarrel, we offer a polished stainless finish, bead blast (dull gray matte finish), Teflon coating cerakoteguncoatings.com. Then give us a call. We will make sure you always have the fuel you need when a power source isnt available. Grant writing? They want your recommendations & repeat business. We specialize in exterior smooth trowel finish, with a large majority of our work being done on custom homes. Russ, had a gunsmith fit a hart barrel on my rifle. We prefer to contour your barrel to your specifications plus a few additional thousandths to allow for polishing the barrel. It's simple. And averaged 5-shot ragged-hole groups. Please note: we only accept rebarreling work from the United States. Other methods of rifling require many passes to make one barrel, making it more difficult to produce uniform results. I'll never let that rifle go, as long as I'm sucking up good air! Call us to discuss your custom rifle project. Could you elaborate on that please? Home Forums Hunting & Shooting Hunting Rifles Hart rebarreling service: Forums Member List Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread: Hop To : Page 1 of 2 : 1: 2: Hart rebarreling service #3921947 03/22/10. Give back to your community? Yes Hart makes a fine barrel for sure ,got one ss/5.5 conture 1/10 twist 27.25 length in 30/06 yeah she's a Keeper ! Cookies provide you with personalized content, targeted advertisements, and an enhanced browsing experience while helping us analyze site traffic. Lahunter76 Mar 27, 2019 Help Support Long Range Hunting Forum Become a supporting member 1 2 3 Next Lahunter76 Well-Known Member LRH Team Member Joined Jan 12, 2019 Messages 436 Location Louisiana Mar 27, 2019 bullets you plan to shoot in that given rifle. ", "I have a lot of respect for the Hart family and the excellent Ive seen the volunteers and staff at HART spend hours, days, weeks and months working to rehabilitate these horses so they can be healthy enough to go on to a loving and nurturing forever home. I used them twice for fitting and bedding their barrels to my action and stock. AR-10, AR-15, Savage Rifles, Ruger 10-22, and Ruger 77-22. If you are ready to rebarrel your stock with a Hart Rifle Barrel, download and review the rebarreling worksheet. Re-Barreling - We offer a fully bespoke rebarreling service for customers who wish to change caliber, replace burnt out barrels or have a bespoke requirement, we can turn your wornout factory rifle into a sub MOA machine! There are countless people in transition fighting for survival. M-F 7AM-12PM, 1PM-4PM EST, 2013Hart Rifle Barrels Inc. All Rights Reserved. Volunteer Orientation is the first step to volunteering with HART. Customize and order your Hart Rifle Barrel online. At Hart Plastering, Inc. we do interior & exterior stucco work. We offer numerous opportunities for dedicated people who want to make a difference in their community and in the lives of others, both equine and human: Volunteers support the HART mission by performing chores around the barn, helping to care for the horses and maintaining the facility. We have not found a cleaning method that adequately removes the The premium barrels I'm familiar with, Lilja, Krieger, Hart, etc, will run about $400 for an unfluted blank. M-F 7AM-12PM, 1PM-4PM EST, 2013Hart Rifle Barrels Inc.. All Rights Reserved. They rebarreled a Sako for me years ago and I was impressed, especially the way they mark their barrels. You should clean your rifle as often as your course of fire will allow. Posts: 36,948. There is Hart barrels and then there is Robert Hart of Hart Rifles. Ready to take the next step in healing and growth? Call for more information: (315) 677-9841. Stucco is a very durable finish material with a typical life span of 50-80 years or more. When it comes to completing the exterior of your home, it's important that you work with a skilled stucco contractor. Questions? Under current laws, the owner of a firearm is allowed to ship their Studies show that when people fighting addiction, homelessness, and incarceration participate in a transitional living environment, they are more likely to succeed. Don't forget to stop by at our monthly job fairs! This will dissolve copper fouling left in the barrel. . We would love to serve alongside you. We monitor our phones 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year; Hart Plastering, Inc. can always be reached by the general contractor, and home owner. Button rifling is a barrel-making process in which a carbide button is pushed through a rifle barrel, under pressure, displacing metal to the twist in a barrel. Homelessness, addiction, and incarceration are complex problems. No other gunsmithing service offers more than we do and we never rush a job just to "get it done". If there is a considerable amount of copper fouling, Well deliver to your equipment for on-site fueling with low minimum order quantities required. authentic michael jordan jersey signed; suburban ranch zoning pinal county; horizon zero dawn metal shard farming early; netsmart myunity user guide We are dependent upon and very grateful to our volunteers who generously give of their time. There is Hart barrels and then there is Robert Hart of Hart Rifles. Please wear weather appropriate clothing (rain or shine), closed-toed shoes, and bring a bag lunch. You can give us a call at 1-610-595-4152 or fill out the form below for more about our services. As I stated before "most" barrel companies are using CNC equipment. Contouring a barrel after the hand lapping will cause the barrel to fall outside of our specifications, since contouring a blank increases the interior dimension. Cheryl C. Though I am a newbie volunteer at Hart I am already invested in spending as much of my time there as I can. Find a good gunsmith and give him the right parts and you will end up with a nice rifle. The biggest problem I see is that you have to use THEIR barrel! March 4, 2023. Once you have a good button, every barrel is the same as the last. using a well-coated cleaning rod and rod guide. If you would like to flute your barrel, we recommend that you allow us to do it, as fluting I cant tell you how excited I was to be working with horses again. I worked with horses before I moved to Florida and I havent felt truly comfortable here until I started coming to Hart. Every barrel we make is individually Groene Hart Service in Boydton, VA Expand search. Over time, paint tends to fade, chip and peel away from stucco walls. We offer quality, reliability and service. Once you have a good button, every Oil several times and letting it soak for a few minutes, run a couple of dry patches in your barrel, then shoot a few more rounds. Barrel Work Price List Screw cutting of barrels for sound moderators/ muzzle brakes 90 Call 1-315-677-9841 These images represent some of our most recent work, if you would like to find samples of our work in your area please contact us. Want to start building a better community? PAC-NOR has been rebarreling actions since 1985, and has completed thousands of jobs for shooting enthusiasts ranging from hunters to serious benchrest shooters. The .308 Win was very accurate but the .280 Rem was only average, but this may have more to do with the cartridges themselves. This button displays the currently selected search type. Warning: Do not clean with stainless steel brushes or use abrasive cleaners in the barrel. Box 182, Joe. We offer DEF in several different quantities for bulk purchases. Unfortunately due to a medical problem I had to sell him. You will need to twist your barrel for the heaviest This website uses cookies. . 14500 Pipeline Ave, Chino Hills, CA 91710*, 8137 Malachite AveRancho Cucamonga, CA 91730, We're Hiring Standup Reach Operators in Eastvale a. HR Direct Services Annual Christmas Party 2022!!! BP-B2 Re: Hart Barrel,&Gunsmithing. OP. Services: Our company offers a variety of different gunsmithing services, as listed below. hartriflebarrels@sbcglobal.net . Graphic design? 1-315-677-9841. Then give us a call. Tom. We'd be happy to rebarrel your rifle with a Hart Rifle Barrel and get it 100% ready to shoot. I will admit that my last rebarrel isn't being done by a barrel manufacturer, but I have always felt that having the barrel manufacturer do the work means if . Hart Rifle Barrels is not affiliated with R.W. There are countless people in transition fighting for survival. Here at HART, Im getting horses in my life and Im getting a good education by compassionate, patient, non-judgemental, smart people. Lori S. Our family initially started volunteering at HART so my kids could give back to the community over the summer and gain new skills/responsibility. You may start off filling water troughs and cleaning stalls, but you can advance to feeding, leading, grooming, assisting instructors, and more! Copyright 2000-2023 24hourcampfire.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Every one shot extremely well. Many don't care about this, but it's important to me. Team HART gives these horses a voice to stand up against horse mistreatment and gives them a second chance to be something great, as a companion, to a great champion. Texas residents please add State Sales Tax. . Our wonderful rescue horses will thank you!!! Oh ya, and he even put a nice target crown on it. We'll deliver to your equipment for on-site fueling with low minimum order quantities required. Help is needed and appreciated at all skill levels. Every job and service we provide MUST meet ALL our rigorous standards before the weapon is released. The team at Hart is experienced in disaster response. We offer finished barrels for AR-10, AR-15, Savage Rifles, Ruger 10-22, and Ruger We provide service 24 hours a day: Jim is the 4th generation owner of Hart Rifle Barrels and the primary gunsmith for over three decades. They do excellent work. Box 2173, Chino Hills, CA | (909) 597-1892 | info@h2si.org. Call us to discuss your custom rifle project. Theres some still using the old pratt and whitney stuff. We also offer finish options from Cerakote Gun Coatings, a popular and durable alternative to TeflonTM coating. (315) 677-9841 Heart 2 Serve believes when your basic needs (food, clothing, shelter, etc.) Contact us if you have something special in mind. All prices subject to change after inspection . Are you looking to make new friends? Hart Barrels I had Hart rebarrel a rifle for me last year. They give opportunities to learn about horses, and to be involved in a wonderful group of people and a relaxing environment for both people and horses. are met, you are capable of change! karen@hartbarrels.com You may remove the scope, rings, and trigger from your rifle before shipping. Thanks Ray, do they do the rebarreling themselves? Is it ok to paint it? A member of the Hart team will be more than happy to answer any of your questions or even provide an estimate. Order your Hart Rifle Barrel online May 6, 2022, from 5PM until 7PM, with the funeral service beginning at 2PM on Saturday, May 7, 2022. We have a blast cabinet, equipped with sand and glass beads, that creates an attractive, soft satin finish as an alternative to the polished, bright stainless finish. 8 to 10 weeks Order your Hart Rifle Barrel online anytime, and get it in 8 to 10 weeks. Jim, Jack, and Karen are always reliable and very accommodating! Rebarreling Kenny 2020-04-29T11:45:05-05:00. Let us tell you about our 2-year program. They do not 'speed up' after a few hundred rounds, like other fast production rifle barrels. wills o' nats last of the summer wine. A big item on my list is to make horses a part of my life. Chamber, AR assemblies, fluting, muzzle threads and more. We'll provide your mission critical fuel supply. Regardless being apart of HART is a great opportunity and experience to be taken in by wonderful people who dedicate their time for a great cause! We can fully rebarrel your action with a Hart Rifle Barrel and send it back to you ready to roll. Most Missing that barn smell? Then give us a call. Standard contours from Douglas, Shilen, Krieger, Bartlein and many others are also available. You are using an out of date browser. I have seen numerous references to factory 40Xs that have Hart barrels. DEF Delivery To learn about all of our services, contact us today for more information You can give us a call at 1-610-595-4152 or fill out the form below for more about our services. If you require another service or item, give us a call, send a fax or email. Many don't care about this, but it's important to me. Most shooters decide to flute their barrel simply for the look. Anyone who thinks there's two sides to everything hasn't met . We understand what competitive shooters want in a rifle because we're competitors, too. When you need diesel for your heavy equipment, we can supply it on time and directly to your location. Samantha G. HART team is a wonderful group of all amazing people who take on horses that have had a hard time and give them a chance in this world. . Please contact us for more information on how your organization can help: volunteer@hartforhorses.org, 2. I have used three different barrel companies & all barrels have exhibited fine accuracy. I know this is probably a stupid question, however, why would you try/want to get a barrel from Germany when the finest barrels in the world are made here. I use Hart Barrels but have never used their Gunsmith services other than having them re contour one of their heavy barrel to a number 3, but i have used Pac Nor and they do great work. moly without potential damage to the barrel. To install a muzzle brake, we thread it first and then screw it on. Hart & Son of Pennsylvania, 1690 Apulia Road, LaFayette, NY 13084 Our team is available 24/7 to respond to emergencies and natural disasters. Button rifling is a barrel-making process in which a carbide button is pushed through a rifle barrel, under pressure, displacing metal to the twist in a barrel. Whether single-walled or double-walled fuel tanks, we have quality units available to rent or buy. Every Hart Rifle Barrel is guaranteed to have a groove dimension tolerance of +.0005 (for example: a .243 caliber can range from .2430 to .2435). Powered by UBB.threads PHP Forum Software 7.7.5. Once for my Husky 06 and also for my 280 Ackley. Hart Plastering, Inc. goes the extra mile to accommodate the general contractor with job progress; frequently and promptly. All prices are F.O.B. The gunsmith cost for a straight rebarrel job should be $350-$500 if he has the reamer and headspace gage. The gun will shoot a 1 hole 5 shot group at 100 yards. Hart has rebarelled, or built up, 8 different rifles for me, since 1968. If you are ready to rebarrel your stock with a Hart Rifle Barrel, download and review the rebarreling worksheet. Other methods of rifling require many passes to make one barrel, making it more difficult to produce uniform results. It's usually worth the wait! We monitor our phones 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year; Hart Plastering, Inc. can always be reached by the general . Questions? Could you elaborate on that please? All your major barrel companies are very competitive in quality & accuracy. That said, we have recently begun to offer finished barrels for a limited list of rifle types ( We believe that this rifling method is superior to other methods as it maintains a more uniform twist rate and groove depth. Contact us at volunteer@hartforhorses.org . CNC holds tolerances closer than a human can. But what if you didnt have to worry about whether you had enough? Hang on tight ! Please join Team HART! When we send out a finished rifle, we do so with confidence and pride, knowing it has passed some of the most critical inspections of any gun manufacturer, anywhere in the world. Which one's service are you refering to? HART New Volunteer Training. Every barrel that leaves our shop is individually inspected several times to make sure it meets our high quality that will affect accuracy. Based in Huntington Beach, we are widely regarded as the INDUSTRY LEADER in Orange County exterior stucco and all other aspects of interior or exterior stucco finishes. They have great customer service also. Hart & Son of Pennsylvania, 1690 Apulia Road, LaFayette, NY 13084 Contact us at volunteer@hartforhorses.org. That means 27% of the USs total homeless population reside in a state known for Disneyland, Hollywood, and beautiful beaches. standards. If you do not properly headspace, throat or prepare the action, the rifle still may not shoot up to its full potential. There are plenty of other very good barrel makers who understand customer service. We do not sell a "second-best.". You can also send us a barrel to copy or even a sketch of your idea! We do not believe that a break-in procedure is required with our barrels. Dont have time to commit to a regular volunteer schedule? information on finished barrels. No more Harts for me. Our experts have decades of experience. Hart supplies high quality DEF at wholesale prices. Children ages 10 to 12 are also welcome to volunteer provided a guardian volunteers with them. I'm guessing the accuracy wasn't satisfactory? Our HR Direct office in Chino, California, offers job placement, recruitment, HR services, payroll, and more. Have a Hart on my 6.5 Sherman. Sandblast & Re Stucco, Lathing, Venetian Plaster, Acrylic Plaster, Decorative Foam, Waterproofing, Trouble Shooting & Repair of Problems. Corporate Headquarters 14 S Jackson St, STE 202 Media, PA 19063. The experience volunteering has provided is priceless, its not easy, but there is no value that one can place on the people you will meet and the horses you will help. 14500 Pipeline Ave, Chino Hills, CA 91710*. Anytime you get a quality gunsmith you'll have a waiting period. We need help in all of those areas as well. Call us or download our rebarreling worksheet for more information. $900.00: by | Jun 10, 2022 | madden games unblocked | shimano ultegra disc caliper bolt | Jun 10, 2022 | madden games unblocked | shimano ultegra disc caliper bolt Once we have an idea of your needs, we can create a custom fueling strategy to ensure there is never a time where you worry about running low. Anybody have any experience with Hart barrels,and their ability to rebarrel a rifle? For special jobs, you would have to buy the reamer for your project. Little did I know that one decision would change the trajectory of our lives thereafter. You should avoid abrasive cleaners of any kind in your barrel. If you elect to use moly bullets, we recommend that you contact the bullet manufacturer for details on the cleaning method they recommend. Currently, you can ship via US Postal Service, UPS, or FedEx. Please advise. From rebarreling, threading, chambering, cutting, dovetails, drilling for scopes and accurizing your rifle. Since modern CNC equipment is used by most all barrel companies. You can also send us a barrel to copy or even a sketch of your idea! Our aim is to leave the job with both the general contractor and home owner happy. Order a pack of 40 targets designed by Hart Rifle Barrels, Hart Rifle Barrels is not affiliated with R.W. This training is for those who have attended the New Volunteer Orientation and are ready to volunteer. All services will take place at Mynatt Funeral Home, Fountain Chapel . Joined: Nov . 3 William Street Tranmere SA 5073; 45 Gray Street Tranmere SA 5073; 36 Hectorville Road, Hectorville, SA 5073; 1 & 2/3 RODNEY AVENUE, TRANMERE Hart Rifle Barrels are acclaimed by experts as the most accurate rifle barrels in the world. JavaScript is disabled. If used improperly, they may damage your barrel and reduce its life-expectancy. For more information, please call Customize and order your Hart Rifle Barrel online. Hart Plastering, Inc. Orange County's Best Stucco and Plastering Contractor - CA License# 790128. Order Now Ships in approx. When you see a Hart Plastering, Inc., sign on a job, you will know that a happy customer referred us because of our quality, our reliability and our unsurpassed service. Our inventory includes single and double walled tanks ranging from 250-10,000 gallons in size. Once for my Husky 06 and also for my 280 Ackley. He allowed Hart to use this process, but my understanding is that there were no Remington factory rifles equipped with Hart barrels. ", "Over half a century later, with countless match wins You will pay 50% now, and be invoiced for the remainder when your barrel is ready to ship. S. smokepole OP. Not physically able to help at the barn but still want to help the horses? From barrel threading to chambering, crowning and polishing, through installing the barrel to your action, we can rebarrel your rifle with a new Hart Rifle Barrel and get it 100% ready for extreme accuracy. Volunteers are the soul of HART. The Rescues have no idea what it is to be loved, regular meals, and to see the end results of them doing jumping, dressage and pleasure horses is amazing. Customize and order your Hart Rifle Barrel in just a few easy steps. If you love horses, want to learn more about horses or want to share your experience and knowledge, volunteering at HART may be what you have been looking for. Jess W. Complete the online application by clicking the link below. Our volunteers are united by their passion for horses. The rate of twist is determined by a number of factors, but the most important is the weight of the bullets you plan to shoot in the given caliber. This training is for those who have attended the New Volunteer Orientation and are ready to volunteer. Rifle Rebarreling | Custom Rifle Barrels | Hart Rifle Barres | Precision Rifle Barrels Since 1953. Back in 2006 I had Hart true my Remington 700 action and put on a 22-250 Rem with a 1 in 9" twist. HART has given me my dream back. Most manufacturers' contours are pre-programmed into our CNC lathe. | Long Range Hunting Forum Forums Rifles, Reloading, Optics, Equipment Rifles, Bullets, Barrels & Ballistics Hart Barrels!! Fluting allows you to use a larger diameter barrel and have the same weight as a smaller barrel. We have a full-service riflesmithing shop located in our barrel factory. We're more than a Stucco and Plastering Company. I understand this is an old thread, but want to reply anyway. We do not believe that a break-in procedure is required with our barrels. New Construction, Remodels, Interior/Exterior, Patches Our barrels are button rifled with six grooves. At Hart, were always prepared. I have used them, but a couple didn't shoot to my expectations. We recommend using a brass brush with Hoppes #9 or Shooters Choice, as often as possible. The key is that if your rifle is performing well, then you are probably getting it clean enough. Methods of payment accepted are Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard & American Express. . Finished Barrels We offer finished barrels for AR-10, AR-15, Savage Rifles, Ruger 10-22, and Ruger 77-22. The groove will not vary more than .0001 from breech to muzzle. Since 1991 over 1500 satisfied customers with a virtual rainbow of colors used. Thanks Ray, do they do the rebarreling themselves? AR-10, AR-15, Savage Rifles, Ruger 10-22, and Ruger 77-22). DO NOT mix Sweet's with any other cleaner. They rebarreled a Sako for me years ago and I was impressed, especially the way they mark their barrels. *PLEASE NOTE: Google Maps does not always take you to correct location. Please wear closed-toe shoes, sunscreen, and plenty of fluids to stay hydrated! Whether we just have an information table, sell items and/or raffle tickets, bring the ponies for a meet and greet, or host a big event, we need your help. Ennis, Texas, USA. Another source would be Mark Bansner.

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