That place was the grinder. If anyone remembers my brother or this incident I would really like to talk. I dont recall the COs name. I could barely run when I got drafted, but they made me into a lean and mean fighting machine. Got my right arm and left ass cheek screwed up and received a service connected disability from the shrapnel. On the Military Base, facilities and infrastructure support the military . "Fort Sam Houston, TX About Fort Sam Houston" (overview). Gen. Christopher Augur. The best way to see what's on the page is to view the . In preparation for this milestone, however, MEDCoE will place added emphasis on the commands expectation to maintain the highest standards of professional ethics while on and off post. With that decision out of the way I really paid attention to all my training. Locally, Brooke Army Medical Center's Fort Sam Houston Vaccination Site offers same-day appointments and walk-in hours for beneficiaries 12 years old and older. I had taken it before. Does anyone remember a drill Sgt. Simms got his orders for Nam after our Graduation. No installation appointments. I did Vietnam in 70 and that wasnt as tough as Polk, either. I was at Fort Polk for AIT during July and August 1968, after having completed basic training at Fort Dix, NJ. Those eligible should visit. How do I find out who died in Vietnam from my training cycle? I hated the Army for that. Does anyone out there have any pictures that they may have taken while at Tiger Land during that time frame. 11 talking about this. Provide a completed Entry Authorization List (EAL) request to the VC via government email or in person at least 10 days prior to the event or at or a government email account. result in the loss of room privileges and expulsion from government quarters. Was assigned to E-2-2. Could have, should have, would have. Local purchases made by installation activities total almost $105 million annually. If your last name started with A, B, C, or D it was off to Germany. Fort Polk was rather interesting place to be. Upon arrival, 04/67, there were no open slots for Combat Medic, and I was offered an opportunity for OJT as a Personnel Specialist. The first team would lay down fire while the second team would advance and then drop and lay down fire for the first team to advance. This situation is no different from Holiday Block Leave, he explained. This group is not for the soldiers training there. He was pissed because, as he said, he had to be there to feed us recruits. Welcome to the club, Gary. 4/1966 3/1969 Basic and AIT Fort Polk Louisiana. I think my dad was there around the same time you were. My initial boss was CW2 Paul Brewer, and later was 1LT. So, we either worked in the same office, or you worked down the hall from our office. alry, recently stationed at Fort Sam Houston, Tex., has been placed on the retired list of the Army on account of disability incident to the service. I cannot speak for all of BCT. Bastards.. US Army North Fort Sam Houston and Camp Bullis 1945 Dragon Valley Road, Bldg 199 Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234-7800 Phone: (210) 221-1719 Fax: (210) 221-9560. now and then I wonder what could have been with the move to DaNang and being for the most part base guard. Believe it or not, I have good memories of my time there, the friendships and camaraderie. We were from vastly different backgrounds and most of my classmates reservists or guardsmen. I was drafted 04/1970. 1st Class Joshua Rodriguez is currently an infantry battalion senior medic in 3BCT, 101st Airborne Division. Greetings my fellow brother(Gary Forrest) But I played it along and missed a bit of basic. I maintained personnel records for several South Fort companies, even for E-1-2. Publishing Disclaimer: In all of its publications and products, NCO Journal presents professional information. Summary: Patient Administration Specialist AIT takes place at Fort Sam Houston. He served in Vietnam 1968-1969. Never forget!! send the Unescorted Access Request formto the VC a government email account. Anyway the post who mentioned being at TigerLand and then the Americal. Posted by on Jun 10, 2022 in which summary of the passage is the most accurate? Save Page Now. You are here: Home / Texas Military Bases / Medical Education and Training Campus Fort Sam Houston, TX Medical Education and Training Campus Fort Sam Houston, TX Contact Information Phone: (210) 808 6382 Medical Education & Training Campus 3176 CPL Johnson Rd, BLDG 1291 JBSA-Ft Sam Houston, Texas 78234 Phone Number (210) 808-6382 I turned 21 at Tiger Land. I went to ft sill for basic and phone privileges will vary based on the battery (company) you are assigned to. (n.d.). Five, it was hot and humid and it rained. I was suppose to go to fort Lee Va, for supply school finally got there in July of 71. Careful preservation of these areas allows the post to live with its history, surrounded by the traditions established when the first soldier arrived here in 1845. Went to Ft. Sam Houston for AIT training as a Combat Medic, from 01/67 thru 04/67. It's very much like Fort Sill, but with rooms rather than bays for the . I was with CoA, 3rd Bn, 3rd Bde, Jan-Feb 1967. I wonder how many didnt make it back alive from those rosters? I took Basic at Polk in fall 67, traaining Company B-4-1. Fort Sam Houston IG Offices. . Simonton was born in Atlanta, GA. She joined the Army January 24, 2022, and shipped to BCT at Fort Sill after graduation Simonton attended 68W AIT at Fort Sam Houston. Drill sergeants are back at Advanced Individual Training (AIT)(Arden, 2018) and the Army is establishing a standardized combat casualty care instruction for all service members (Department of Defense, 2018, p. 1) in order to improve the emergency care medical capabilities of every service member. I was asked to consider OCS and someone told me that I would get out of some training during basic training and watch some videos, etc. In AIT I had 2 regular army guys on my 81mm mortar team. Many of these Soldiers, following training, will be assigned duties in direct support of national response efforts or to fill other critical medical positions across the Army. Made SP5 in April, 1968. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Any help would be immensely appreciated. Bravo Blackhawks! His Name was Wiley Clark. Fort Polk is the only Combat Training Center that also trains and deploys combat units. denver school of nursing lawsuit fort sam houston ait privileges. Several things were quite different from basic training. Thank you so much. How long was Basic? 2080 Wilson Way JBSA-Fort Sam Houston, Texas 78234-5004 Unescorted Installation Access Procedures Visitors (family, friends, etc.) (n.d.). Because Fort Sam Houston is part of Joint Base San Antonio, the installation commander is the commander of the 502d Air Base Wing. Fort Sam Houston: Fort Sam Houston is a super place to visit or be assigned - See 46 traveler reviews, 14 candid photos, and great deals for San Antonio, TX, at Tripadvisor. Millenials may need drill sgts beyond basic, Army say. This Memorial Day, LeMaster also urges everyone to take a moment to reflect on the hundreds of thousands of Americans who were lost during the pandemic. Located smack in the middle of San Antonio, Fort Sam Houston is the oldest of the three installations that make up Joint Base San Antonio. I was at Tigerland from July-Aug 1970 then orders to the Nam. I was then shipped back to the recruit reception station at south fork and assigned to the transfer post, on job, personnel records specialist, Company A, Special Troops. Free shipping and pick up at store available. Harold Hathcock, my dad recently passed away, I was born in Fort Polk and my Dad was here in or around 1965-1968 was Lawrence T Conroy,, looking for info and possible yearbook that he was in . Hated those low crawls right after chow. Gary, I understand. Active duty service members, retirees and their dependents (18 years or older), and civil service employees can sponsor service delivery by completing three steps: 1. there in 68 through 69 and locating those books can be challenging, E-Bay does have a number of them listed, Good Luck. I talked to a gentlman about 8 years ago that happened to work (Tinker AFB) with a cousing of mine (now deceased) and he was there and remembers everything. They worked with me continually until the VA finally gave in and blinked. As a Nation we lost too many to COVID, between last year and this year, LeMaster said. I took the test again and scored exceptionally well. Hey, Joe, And NO, we could not see what the snake was doing, as we were ordered to face forward and look directly at the soldiers head in front of us. After completion of initial training in June 2022, Simonton was assigned to the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit and the Shotgun team. Then I was sent to tiger land in May of 71 and I was not even a Grunt. My biggest memory of my 18 months there, was the town of Leesville. Kinda would have been good to make the 196th transfer to Danang and been there. I was stationed at ft Polk in sept 1964 to nib 1964 south fort . I also know it has been a struggle for a lot of you vets to find peace. At graduation on June 6, 1967, I received my new orders. Active duty service members, retirees and their dependents (18 years or older), and civil service employees can sponsor (one day) large events, parties, and/or meetings with an Entry Authorization List, or EAL, by completing three steps: 1. Was a step up. In 1876, the Army began constructing the Quadrangle on land donated by the city, and the Army garrison moved to the site a few years later. Schedule an appointment with the ID card section through RAPIDS Appointment Scheduler at Journal of Military Learning Submission Guide, Future Warfare Writing Program Submission Guidelines, 290 Stimson Ave. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas 66027 Contact Us | 913-684-2127. Selecting patches as statements military status ect. Retrieved from It no longer made a difference to me that there were no partitions between the toilets. D 2 1 BCT Fort Polk, LA. Beginning in the World War II era, the primary mission of Fort Eustis has been Army transportation training, research . It made a difference the TIGERLAND training an edge perhaps over others. Long runs, low crawl before chow, fire guard, and waxing the center isle. There in 1966, Dear Jimmy and Claudia, just wondering if you ever got any confirmation of Agent Orange being sprayed in Fort Polk and the year and maybe the circumstances or location of where it was sprayed. Thanks Dad for that $100 bucks. Remember them who didnt come back alive and those missing. I do have a picture of our training company(dont recall the proper company ect). Their first home is one of the buildings preserved as an historic monument. Locally, Brooke Army Medical Center's Fort Sam Houston Vaccination Site offers same-day appointments and walk-in hours for beneficiaries 12 years old and older. Was very lucky. The Fort Sam Houston, located in San Antonio, TX, acts as a center of military command for U.S. military personnel. 25 days ago. We were trained in Infantry and the 81mm mortar in AIT. For all approved access, visitors must report to the VC to receive access credentials. I was at Fort Polk in the summer of 71 I had basic and a it there .we came from Newark New Jersey and was suppose to fly out to fort Polk but the flight was cancelled so they took us to the holiday Inn hotel that night and we flew out the next day .I was like one of the last people to be drafted in the army .I enjoyed being there I was in the best shape of my life .after ait I was going to lpc school but my grandfather died so I went home .when I got back I still had my orders for Vietnam and I wanted to go because my brother and my brother-in-law was already there so I signed up to go .however we were holdovers for 10 days and ended up going to Erlangen Germany .I really didnt want to go there I wanted to fight . An OSUT can easily be taught with a mixture of civilian and military instructors in order to keep the academic level high enough to consistently pass the NREMT, and also sharpen the Soldiers in other important areas such as leadership and advanced combat skills. Stay connected from room to room, building to building and base to baseseamlessly! When you are first here you will be in phase 4 and have limited privileges. Awful memories of both places and Ill never forget it as hard as I tried. The significant contributions of Fort Sam Houston to the United States were recognized in 1975 when the post was designated as a National Historic Landmark. Of course, there is no draft today. Department of Combat Medic Training prepares Soldier medics for battlefield trauma care. They were in such great shape. Your tour reflects many of the same incidents I and many many other 11Bs experienced. I took basic and AIT training at Ft. Polk July-Nov 1971. 68w Ait Training - XpCourse. At AIT you will have any electronic you want in your room. Jakari Ford, with 1-229 Attack Reconnaissance Battalion, 16th Combat Aviation Brigade, competes for the Regional Health Command-Pacific Best Medic competition at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash., August 7, 2018. The Military Base houses personnel, conducts training operations for active duty and reservist forces, stores equipment, and supports military operations. reply to Frank Torres at this is information is important to me,, Thanks. I am proud to have done my part in the war, and proud to have been a part of the support team. 3rd bdg for basic training in 1970 July and later i took my ait in north fort A-2-3 Capt Dixon raiders. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. That and when two of the DSs were throwing stones at the Southern Copperhead snake who was coiled up by the edge of the narrow, one lane road as our company marched by. I was in B-4-1. Fort Polk began as a base for the Louisiana Maneuvers in the 1940s. Dont think they were doing AIT year books anymore at this time? Construction associated with this transition increased the square footage of the hospital by 50%, including a much larger, variable capacity emergency department, additional surgical suites and recovery facilities, as well as teaching facilities and bed space. Was anyone with A company 2nd bat. the failure rate (recycle/reclass) is about 25%. I managed the personnel records for the same leaders who were in my basic training company. In addition, your length of service was now six years. Orem Community Hospital. Specific privileges will be associated with each phase as incentives, and soldiers should be eligible for those privileges as they progress in training. Virginia was a really wonderful older woman, who really cared for the Army personnel who worked in her office. Your COVID-19 info and resources all in one place. If you think you have been blocked in error, contact the owner of this site for assistance. You were probably there when I came through in Oct. 1966, on a Trailways bus from Houston. If MEDCoE cases continue to decline, he also expects to restore family visits and family and friend attendance at AIT graduations. and has anyone gone to Sill for basic and how is the base? I was totally scared. Fort Sam Houston Inprocessing and Outprocessing. He attended Basic Training at Fort Knox, Kentucky, and completed Combat Medical Specialist Military Occupational Skills Advanced Individual Training at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. After medic school, I got a 2-week leave, because had to go home to get a divorce (while in medic training, I got a Dear John letter). Terrible, awful, sickening, and hurtful is all I can say about Vietnam. I was also was assigned to Company A, Special Troops. First Shirt was First Sgt. I, too, made E-5, Spec. remember. The Air Force moved its medical training from Sheppard Air Force Base in Wichita Falls, Texas. On the one hand, it is a major, active military installation that plays a vital role in the defense of the nation. Commanded by Lt. Gen. John R. Evans Jr., Army North's primary missions are land-based Homeland Defense, Defense Support of Civil Authorities and Theater Security Cooperation with the Bahamas, Canada and Mexico. It lasts seven weeks making it one of the shortest training periods for a medical-related MOS. Was a 71H30 (Personnel Specialist) with Adjutant Generals office in building 317. I would love to see them, it may have been a bit too early for myself being included, even though I was there at that time, what do you need to send them, my email address ? First time with a grunt buddy, second time with my wife and 3 sons, and the last time I went alone. Did not matter what your MOS was going to be. Designated a National Historic Landmark in 1975, Fort Sam Houston stands as one of the Army's most historic posts, continuing to serve the nation and world. I saw that we had something in common, and wanted to comment. I never found this only later in years to read the time lines of the 196th Light Infantry movements. In addition to serving as the only entry processing station for Basic Military Training, it also provides several tech schools. With future conflicts on the horizon, the U.S. Armys combat medics will need to be sharper than ever. I later that year went back to the Academy and became a Drill Sgt. On the other hand, it contains some of the oldest structures on any Army installation. I remember we were trained how to assault a hill with fire teams. THANK FOR THE REPLAY I WAS IN POLK FROM JAN/ TO JULY DO U KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT AN GENT ORANGE BEING USED AT POLK. LZ Center. Best wishes to all those who served and a big thank you! John Lytle ). He was a little squirt and I was 6 2 and weighted 190 lbs. Lost three buddies during my tour and was wounded myself with schrapnel. I went thru basic from April 20 thru July 1967. I do seem to remember that my time there started out pretty darn hot and muggy. They bused us to Fort Polk and upon arrival low crawled us about one half block to our company. As a result of the Base Realignment and Closure Commission (BRAC) 2005 recommendations, all military medical training has been consolidated at Fort Sam Houston. The Fort Sam Houston base guide has information for service members and families. Did you know that I am afraid of snakes? Daddy helped bring the combat trackers to light. (U.S. Army photo by Spc. Ive been battling agent orange diseases for over 15 years now and the VA still think I could have been exposed to dioxin like roundup when I was a kid. Military use of chest seals and tourniquets; Lessons for EMS. I get kind of remorse thinking how close i came to getting out of the bush without being wasted or wounded. [12], Several famous figures have served at the fort, including Arthur MacArthur Jr., Leonard Wood, Benjamin Foulois, Frederick Funston, and John J. Better trained than the other AIT 11Bs I think. The owner of this site is using Wordfence to manage access to their site. I survived but the memories will linger forever. We all knew that we were going to Vietnam after training and we were also reminded by the training instructors every day. | castlemaine population 2021. words pronounced differently in different regions uk . Soldiers in this environment need to be prepared to deploy immediately upon arriving at their unit. For more information, call the JBSA-Fort Sam Houston DEERS Office at 210-221-0415. Note: Service delivery drivers must return access credentials to the VC upon completion of service. Came back to Ft. Polk, and my MOS was change from 91A10, Medical Corpsman, to 71A10 Personnel Clerk, Adjuant General Bldg, and remained there for the next 15 months. basic d52 lpc class ait tiger land may 1968. Currently on a 18 hour trip from AIT to Airborne school. Assigned to G2/G3 at Hq USARV. Timothy R. Koster). All but a handful went to Nam. We all became 11Cs. I thought they were easier on us in Basic Training. Fortunately, mine never was. The Quadrangle is now an office complex housing the commanding general and staff of U.S. Army North as well as the Fort Sam Houston Museum. We arrived in busses and were assigned to barracks. And because of the medics intimate relationship with combat, and because current 68Ws are not currently trained to provide care to patients beyond just their initial transport to a medical facility (Gallagher, 2018), a shift to an OSUT POI would improve the training and provide better care to patients and Soldiers in operational environments. Those eligible should visit. Hours. The Navy moved its medical training from San Diego, California; Great Lakes, Illinois; and Portsmouth, Virginia. Thank you in advance. She trained me how to do my job, and was always so supportive, as I learned. need to know the same thing ,if any knows please contact me at thank you, Wonder how long they did that? At the completion of AIT soldiers with last names beginning with A,B,C,D got orders for Germany, while E thru Z went to Nam. The METC on Fort Sam Houston, Texas is located at Joint Base San Antonio, is a United States Department of Defense campus-similar to a university- with 50 programs to study . Not Sure the year. I attended both as you will. Retrieved from, Vergun, D. (2018, September 5). After B-4-1 I wasnt afraid of anything the Army could hand me. I was at Fort Polk in June July and August 1966. Drafted April 70/ did basic at Ft Knox then shipped to Ft Polk Tiger Land for another 8 weeks AIT(July-Aug). Aller directement au menu principal. During this phase, Soldiers will continue to receive more privileges such as phone time and weekend liberty. He maintains clinical privileges in occupational medicine at Fort Belvoir Community Hospital and is an active member of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. Came out of Basic an E2 was that normal? Go big or go home (in a body bag). It involves a simulated combat environment that induces stress, much like an actual combat scenario. 502nd Air Base Wing Public Affairs Gen. Wainwright took command of the Fourth United States Army here in 1946. Advanced individual training is where you will learn the skills needed to perform a specific Army job, such as artillery or engineering. I went to Ft. Ord, CA as 11C and then to Benning as 11B, then Nam Jan 1969. When the VA kept denying you 100% disabitityyou should have gone immediately to your local and state congressmen for action. For the next 12 years, more soldiers were shipped to Vietnam from Fort Polk than from any other American training base. vizio p series best picture settings; fort worth zoo ticket prices; Related articles; pa state police towing requirements; mitsubishi idle air control valve troubleshooting. Thanks. Then to Fort Sam AIT 91A10. After completing basic training, Airmen begin technical training to learn the technical skills needed to perform in their career field specialties. didnt really put into perspective the impact of being at Ft Polk AlT wouold mean then in june-Aug 1970. do you get your phone in ait fort sam houston. Looking for Drill Sergeant Skillern August, September 1969 . (LogOut/ document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Return to top. Graduated from Polk in August of 71 and ended up in Vietnam on August 19, 1971. tower of the americas 287 Fort Sam Houston Premium High Res Photos Browse 287 fort sam houston stock photos and images available, or search for lackland air force base or military san antonio texas to find more great stock photos and pictures. One one occasion took a plane load of TIGERLAND graduates to SEATAC in Seattle where they got on another plane to VN. Freedom of Information Act; Go Army; No Fear Act Data; Office of the Inspector . Provide the sponsor's name, contact information, service delivery destination and name of the company providing the service. Battalion and company commanders have discretion as far as rules, privileges etc. Also the post mentioned the Danang experiences and the atmosphere of the withdraw of troops from Nam at that time. Just like Basic Training, AIT progressively allows trainees more and more privileges, such as being able to leave post on the weekends, making personal phone calls, or having more personal time. I did survive the rumble in the jungle thankfully. Job training for a practical nursing specialist requires 10 weeks of Basic Combat Training and 52 weeks of Advanced Individual Training at Fort Sam Houston, TX. Expired Identification Cards Both were extremely nice people to work for, making my job a whole lot easier. When I went people were allowed to come visit us on post but I know covid has made that a bit different and I think even the graduations are held virtually now. I remember that it was called Little Vietnam! Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. It was an interesting 18 months, to say the least. Our Soldiers know exactly what to do and I am confident they will do the right things, even when no one is looking.. Might clean up the Gimmee segment of our population. I found out late, why! 6). Brig. The CO told me that he would only hold me over if I went to OCS and that after OCS I could apply to flight school. If this was your training company I would be glad to send you the pictures of the cadre. He had only been there a few months and became very ill. (MOS 68G) Summary: Patient Administration Specialist AIT takes place at Fort Sam Houston. Everyone knew when we left Knox the end game would be Nam. That is unless you wanted to drop down and do push-ups by the snake. Go ARMY! Upon check in, there were no slots available for medics, so I was offered the opportunity to do OJT as a records clerk. Take care. Not any good memories, but many bad feelings about what we had to do. Utah Valley Hospital. I have been back to Fort Polk trying to find the exact location of the old Tiger Land. Assigned to the Americal Division 196th Light Infantry Brigade; A company-3bn-21st infantry. You will be strictly kept in the reception area until shipping off to your battery for bct. Thanks Mike, but I really can not remember my DIs names. Still have my 2nd Training Brigade year book with all DIs. Fort Sam on the other hand, should allow you to leave post once done with nremt. JBSA-Fort Sam Houston Walters Street -, QR codes for each location are: [8]:83 During Eisenhower's first posting from 1915 to 1917, he met and married Mamie Doud. And, the bonus is that you will not be in the Army on active duty for more than two years and wont get a second tour of Vietnam that you might as either a Warrant Officer or Officer. Family members whose soldiers are heading to Fort Sam Houston for training in any Army enlisted medical job (68 series, such as 68W - Combat Medic, 68C - Practical Nurse Specialist, 68K - Medical Laboratory Specialist, etc.) Basic training with B/2/2. Still, after all these years, and having been to the Wall three times, and having lost several of by Veteran brothers, I still dream about the wonderful memories before I lost my innocence in Nam. Did you happen to know a DI named Sgt Simms? Army rescinds COVID-19 vaccination requirements, Department of the Army updates Total Army COVID-19 vaccination statistics, Department of the Army announces Total Army COVID-19 vaccination statistics, Army announces Total Army COVID-19 vaccination statistics, Army updates Total Army COVID-19 vaccination statistics, Army announces updated COVID-19 vaccination statistics. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. if any info please contact me. Anyway good luck in your search. . He passed away last year from cancer, Agent Orange. [8]:1315 Edward Braden Construction Co. won the contract to build the post on 7 June 1876, for $83,900. Thank you God! The Mess Sgt cussed us out like crazy. [8]:29, The Fort Sam Houston Quadrangle, built by George Henry Griebel, is the oldest structure at Fort Sam Houston. Did you know that there are four varieties of poisonous snakes in the US? 1st Plt. just curious. However, we never really put that into practice in Vietnam. I remember that Fort Polk was called Little Vietnam! The final chapter of the Vietnam War ended for Fort Polk. In AIT I was assigned to Tigerland and was in the Moton-Gators Company. I contacted a warrant officer on post and was told I would have to take the test again as there were no results in my file. 68 CMF Courses. The installation's missions include serving as the command headquarters for the Fourth United States Army, United States Army North (formerly the Fifth United States Army), United States Army South, the Army Medical Command (MEDCOM) headquarters, the Army Medical Department (AMEDD) Center and School, the Fifth Recruiting Brigade, Navy Regional Recruiting, the San Antonio Military Entrance and Processing Station, and the Medical Education and Training Campus (METC). Funding for construction projects on post average $30 million annually. . I have lost touch with him. The missions vary widely. Once with an Army buddy, once with my family including my 3 sons, and the last time I went alone. Hill 270, 350, Maude, the ridge line and others I cant recall. JBSA-Fort Sam Houston, Texas 78234-5004 Once you get some free time, Six Flags and Sea World are nearby. 2080 Wilson Way JBSA-Fort Sam Houston, . It served the 1st Armored Division in the 1950s, and became a basic training post during Vietnam War years of the 1960s and '70s. Contact me at if you have any insights on the use of agent orange at Polk. Kinda true. You are not allowed to consume tobacco. I did the math and I decided to stay as an infantry soldier.
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