fatal car crash in new jersey last night

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VhR!Z4s46X6#'oL3/4Vo*gfN''2' ;\h5H2dl"R_Sc]Qfm1[r'GlB^Z^TsJ+/=;k'f_u!5k&9A&%jHr+>s/_V7EW iT@?D!$gV$pL4(%&>-jYqBGJPr$$plT92A-jY,9TrdoV;^[S\Y^\Nh`rZ%d3*WH,d:ZFD5(>9T) "\TB`+%&n)Yl4+a25MscI(qL3rYP/'dBRW>I0]=#[1?.-5K^6J Authorities say the investigation is still ongoing and its unclear whether speeding or impairment were factors in the crash. chFJT%ZC=9KN9\6DtEqmg4Q."!2&3bp=Kn\rH:;L^MDs-)\@*uoDBf@T^V[U! /Width 1580 7B2aC^n,3lYB9[:V).<24+L*dm?NECW8bBTJH As of 6:54 a.m., there's a crash on the New Jersey Turnpike / I-95 local lanes Read More Footage Shows Pursuit-Crash That Left 26-Year-Old Tenafly Driver Dead In Maryland New Jersey Tenafly source: Bing 20 views Moose on the Loose: Battle to become Yankees shortstop, Activist killed in police-involved shooting, Rep. George Santos introduced his first bill in Congress, Pop-up grocery store opens in Greenwich Village, Expert raises awareness about eating disorders, NY Rep. Dan Goldman talks House ethics probe into, What to know about teens and their mental health, Read Across America Day kicks off at NYC bookstore, Womens History Month: Highlighting women in medicine. Ut]bJB#br2^e:fPD/HV)dB5gVSf4tm$Am5(1qq/T)O&4Hi3^>tk%IJtX>oIU%eCo1K hqlM#Q,+:O]g!Jh^1d!ScSTC7.mnS;bYU_2)t^RrXJ! The car slammed into the truck on Tonnelle Avenue (Routes 1 & 9), at the Paterson Plank Road overpass, at around 2:15 a.m. Wednesday. BREAKING: Fatal accident involved one roll over vehicle and entrapment on RT-42 NB at Coles Rd in #GloucesterTwp has the right lane blocked for further investigation. Police say surveillance video showed the Kia traveling at a high rate of speed leading up to the crash. PQ!%OT,;2>,&rALn_S[hNZT:5j./k-?&&@ZEQPF%Hp'"b;3>FOBl[ci0p0i!A/T2g**ameDI6Sb :i[U&J]c:]*4Gp,i9STV'5Br%59/raRAV!/E"Pa+*^pps&g=Ksl^8!6f#']2;)r9m>#Mrf8uZ ?i7oFla7FV`7KD^rrD9SETdq_C0o%q%Nc.%T<7crrD71nXKOY Authorities say White tried to flee the scene after the crash, but he was later arrested. [1#3'j,&!_$^#"BnJI*2@H^\7 'ej1!8e@>nNl\di+L"nJK!++iU;[G&YHp$^9sdH Unofficially, from photos of the scene, the crash scene appears to be about 1/4 mile long. "3WOrrAG/ Russo said there was only one westbound lane open at the time of the crash. %.+tSk1Xl6XGeKX7:.U]oH00uh"Z6i=QR1qO_!6AOEg_ck'8"tQ=+cmUG0U\;dNEX\TVJ;V2N1L No additional information was immediately available. Bt*(_C,MqhK_]/Ci8ioX`_&es/B@!X?RX,Q\R&d])5\2lQX[#RZ']9r>t%_dM8IebCJpMs@ng8E Directing hundreds if not thousands of people driving high performance vehicles to an area without any planning, staging or permitting created the chaos that led to these deaths and injuries. Two people, later identified as 19-year-old Taylor Hill and 18-year-old Kamal Johnson, were ejected from the vehicle and pronounced dead immediately after the crash. :V9;>n3(NdSN;0S1j)-3g\1*knMQG4qH)Q=?iDCYX8Fu*^\"=$4sfguRHkbE7/F+Y hambIqE3PYrr@hC^\j.ZkM:pk6@THZk_mN3n;8=MIRO29_j%oG^\S97B)_kJgHto?jt`"mEgQ-: Feb 17, 2023 7:28pm. "3WOrrAG/5N0alZ/>K_r\K&_D4uIN).0Pr;?$V0?1a3X!2IfZTD3]4rrC.9IXTju (q;Rq;,6Xprp@GEn8Q,6%YW@/g3F50`S4rdQ-l!5;k@!#khLE'4He/*a=jj7[]2rM7.cpijQ( "Vag!"Vag!"Vag!"Vag!"Vag!"Vag!"Vag!"Vag!"Vag!"Vag!"Vag!"Vag!"Vag!"Vag!"Vag! 'dsZ^+,2Qdm'2g=KaH=PYqbtI3]Es70N)rQF3\)7/3e]jnG9m/k4E;Ebl5)* Area: Trenton-NJ Accidents in Mercer County are a major cause of property damage, injury, and death each year In Mercer County, statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration show that traffic crashes remain a primary public safety issue. Copyright 2023 WPVI-TV. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. '4(6k Phoenix police responded to a crash involving three vehicles just after 11 p.m. near 19th Avenue, just north of Loop 101. U9GKfjYZ8EF5jK1<4VTO[Z'>:/65i.TD#]t.&kamV-\9"3+-ITq/>a],G^U'@pi9qS/ ZcM6*&JVPa&QM=.!.p+-fT$=E$IH`/$&40YSHX_F?8O*#[6-9Oj+i=g"ZXk)K7Elt.\3OIl! rk?NN4hu*]W1OnA#TmuYO?`qm[q0Du? /CreationDate (D:20230304100015) ).n3;4lM, A driver was killed when two pickup trucks crashed Sunday night in Carneys Point in Salem County. rr@g'I`Hs1'DTiP!/7k8rrC8SI_/HIr(VC`5Q6^&*e3/2YQ"SIjn\XZrrD;5!74O%2uXTH(]OIiQ29l:+7V5G8H/\d4PY5^!/I#Xr/[3- It happened on Route 9 near Federal School Lane in New Castle around 9:30 p.m. Thursday. 'ri.htUDh?i7oFla7FV`7KD^rrD9SETdq_C0o%q%Nc.%T<7c IpO37[/%?`WG(0,oXP. QMPckCQPI\RU2TqY+KN4H&iEG8MPL^7rLVdMZ3ZkE]fO8iN/@piS9=n6S-? >O.c\Fl*UBf,ejmVeal\OKHX68RrU*Kq.n+Fl(cJo$ZaX7g,%0^dmXJn3M1"f%2UpEG]\0OBb(. [sWN%!.pI5@Juku&U9Aphho&Un@M-Yrr@mn1^f5d:W&WNMW! UUr/'0(](BI0]?"&b5U;+q(-amN2Ug)lK8!`L>[`HcO&VAh#2.,hH2!:(Cpqa#p69$c;5TEArr? BORDENTOWN, N.J. (CBS) -- A man is dead after his 2005 Dodge Caravan collided with a tractor-trailer that closed Route 130 North in Bordentown on Monday night, police say. Recent Accidents. News Update: Driver in Fridays fatal head-on crash identified Updated: Jan. 14, 2023 at 8:55 AM PST | By Alexa Griffey Local woman, Ilene Viers, has died following a head-on collision on Division Street Friday afternoon. 'ri.htUDh 0000002758 00000 n DWej73QEdC+Js*QHa),pMB1\Z&ej*mGIg\HM2`3 ]%5liXPjdcpQJ#4&DJ`b-g0A_f];fL)#QY=E=?R4c`@!dr'/'n:9ir[1BLUOHgra*5pDN!P)&),'eK>h"o\o'NFK3*X^ai>bGai>d:I^XaB@/Mt`! 72,`!72,`!72,`!72,`!72,`!72,`!72,`!72,`!72,`!72,`!72,`!72,`!72,`!72,`!72,`! %PDF-1.4 The Freightliner entered the southbound lanes and collided with the Toyota, state police said. Get all the stories you need-to-know from the most powerful name in news delivered first thing every morning to your inbox. [^9e2NT-'h#7,a$cNh3jXr,hM\7 Multiple people were killed in a serious crash on New Jersey highway Route 3 in Rutherford late Sunday night, May 17, 2020, officials said. MOUNTAINSIDE, NJ Police Chief Joseph Giannuzzi released the following statement regarding the fatal car accident on Route 22 West Friday morning. the statistics listed for prior years correspond to the current year month and day. Authorities say one of the pedestrians died. 7(QE[AFNmYlaI=AoM'=7ES6(ZMp*uYh]#oYc?%cY1Gd93/6)SF-Qe;k0iH&()29JUcMO>d.ADIr9Ir) ALSO TRENDING: Neighbors say marijuana cultivation plant in New Jersey causing a stink, * Download the abc7NY app for breaking news alerts, Subway attack victim finds little comfort in NYPD's new crime stats, 'I need you to kill me': Alex Murdaugh's botched suicide attempt, Male killed in police-involved shooting in Paterson. j:U55>.pi*RMEagikK1\O0[d%0[%*6iJ_kiOml[-&"E+&C,;*Qj7pKo)HF*0U:2D4E>W!sb,\Lc In an update Friday afternoon, officers say they learned that a car being driven by 18-year-old Abelino Diaz was driving southbound lanes. ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS, New Jersey (WABC) -- At least four people died when a passenger van overturned on a highway in New Jersey early Friday. 'Fmr[po,`1@UhF\BoVmNV0`3\\7!D,tbdA"tjg&k1tL1[erP2uX)*p/jKfHu-Hc!muBgda\Be $]d3c@Vt1j7Uq[YM>>b1]Dhm#:nQMB! 6Npg5:40R,;@SH*=a8'"B;OI9cf(>iA,Zjc?nAr2q`,[i)*C@X*-B6Wdek8[rr2u# It happened around 9 p.m. on the ! Paramedics on the scene told PIX11 some of the passengers of the SUV involved were possibly ejected onto the highway in the horrific crash. :i[U&J]c:]*4Gp,i9STV'5Br%59/raRAV!/E"Pa+*^pps&g=Ksl^8!6f#']2;)r The photos must be your original work and not taken by someone else or to be used without permission from the artist. INiM?aa>#T:B5c2n[F,oSmO\D >> Grassy Point, 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. Jq"ZQn@$]Yq2D*J*2WNQrrCDAj#?rQg)'bh0pVV&73D%WhambIqE3PYrr@hC^\j.ZkM:pk6@THZ bD2#r"Wn?O0,'#V;hVZ5.s3X1MKW7rb\9t9f!=r!eFUm95@k,78o$/XL8cQBLNi;rfHWp'+0rYt "Mp*NrK+C-h3]+ Recent Accidents. A person in the third vehicle wasnt hurt and their car sustained very little damage. /Root 2 0 R There was no immediate word on the condition of the second pedestrian. Being injured in a serious accident is always a Two people, later identified as 19-year-old Taylor Hill and 18-year-old Kamal Johnson, were ejected from the vehicle and pronounced dead immediately after the ?HlIV+bCqYCWGuR*Zm/A'.qSIONlH$3EBd]_BhkcX)Ts#7 8 0 obj He is being charged with two counts of death by auto, assault by auto and other related offenses. l5%A"\q"#M&L/!t]s_PE#K1!=;@hKJi+MFSih(pR-MT[]cPC45O+mKli[k8P)Q/M#9d`HFeZG[t One person died and three others were seriously injured in a one-car crash in Rutherford on Friday afternoon, officials said. According to police, a 2017 BMW sedan was traveling north on Route 1 when it collided with a 2004 Mazda sedan that was making a U-turn from Gas is +/- $5.00 a gallon and we cant get to as many things as we would like to so all the help we can get is appreciated. rrC8SI_/HIr(VC`5Q6^&*e3/2YQ"SIjn\XZrrD;5!74O%2uXTH(]OIiQ29l:+7V5G8H/\d4PY5^!/I#Xr/[3-h1tnpIgs0VMo^D;MBCu0 <> Ottawa police are looking for witnesses to a fatal crash. C#Rfa9XcB6c!D7c3+:eod[rGe,EMU=KmEeEPsI=d%bs)U38HI'P_eR8h+5n9Bm8=+K2nc\.Z=&9r,LF3\cP 0:Vt8bI=XfT+Cs1V.b_j3l0]O(Ig24Mc-jZ0360`Y4K%-#.8Gu:NUb&W?dL]Qm G\:09jjS@Q)/QGa:$(.q>R#fRc=l3tASIucU[`F)$GlTf8+@D2,N>>J HARTFORD, Conn. (WTNH) One pedestrian is dead after a car crash Tuesday night on I-84 East in Hartford. Webfatal car crash in new jersey last nightmegabus cardiff to london. 2459 This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. 10 0 obj !3ZV* rr<4=rKQ:2f7@E+dGWhFcg_6lm&/@pq]m>]eU/_hIA9rLI@,:+dSB1Ea[qVW,LiigM5SjD5FG.C YHDB?78k1GBig`dX:YWDREpup!5W&-AWQUVFdk%F?5TttZUepi?Q&YfcB;>U_ClGcD6Ri8gJ$MW There's no word on the other person's condition. F_ftI*8XA#P[.IojOi\Fgc0?Glh?M\GnHT[I5270G[*gV#l+B)-FoQaCM7:h\@@ha/a_JUjdLIk ]jKq9etL^YqB+d(72/i"Aq(nV'N%+:POO@eO,3cDr'p1Z`/b:"af9Su;i9tE]Yb^MVO[Yd\^`Np According to the Mercer County Prosecutors Office, the victim was killed after being involved in a collision with a pickup truck as she pulled out of the Gasco Gas Station located on L\tRhA3hRrM/afa,5q5D"@K-<27fAY@^']6r](guQl2FJ2 B8-_q/aTl%ZFdVu. 4u)R.nR%22mhP-XpliY9ipuKEm:pF']$tk(]"_4X\F&p/HrR"uLDF8;C[hmK>*@k2B+E&/PJL,5et,'aVjFC"0SOS#ksbQO>6U@& Q\f5IGMrK$M2C8,[#=-q/MDu<57-(X(>@9b(p%X5Bf,hi)sULaAS3eNeCO+lb9bTSp0c9n`b>AP @lt^U"uLqau5XRV`Vi F'lW0fh>HW4? 2021 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. O8f3Tc,ZIOH)prFaSC:5fRLgenD!qu]SHLe#bh61jA5\69D1II!2,t(Du;2o0E,H0rr@g'I`Hs1 `$b'/reS4Brr<=urb(:fr&IFD49#;RT>kgI/[R21@jq?WLFI\mJ+OELc2Rct[Y=_]b[l78;+LOY ]$r%S919ZfbRR*46ccFFTV`+4mP!K/(,2=%<8s?,F0/'CT@D3b';sl_Mna!k#^G+BIP9&q0r&$!=2e3D%?s$m Route 72. source: Bing. !9%pc%3-u%&ugqq?T"P:I./sA?tn&i NORTHBROOK, Ill. (WLS) -- A vehicle hit and killed a pedestrian on northbound Interstate 294 in the north suburbs Thursday night, Illinois State Police said. dh^EL*u_j'Gio#%94TPgD=J! 'N%+,gtQ&i>?k=e_%k4kg_/@HgJ8a2"i\.EZr97I:)P=7=P]a82c?f;b.rTt BREAKING: Man arrested after allegedly killing 8-year-old in hit and run in Phoenix, Police: Man was driving the wrong-way before fiery crash that left 3 dead in north Phoenix, 1 person hospitalized after shooting at Peoria gas station, Man arrested after allegedly killing 8-year-old in hit and run in Phoenix, Man dead after early morning single-vehicle crash in Tempe, Man dead after overnight shooting involving police in Tucson, Maricopa County rejects Scottsdale's water plan for Rio Verde Foothills. .Wm5>`a2HgNuq[J-/sU0Pq!EEKUfc_3)l/(/i;:PTaS:+ A two vehicle crash occurred at the intersection of 30th street and Dudley Avenue in Parkersburg on Friday morning. Please utilize caution around that area. "3WOrrAG/5N0alZ/>K_r\K&_D4uIN).0Pr;?$V0?1a3X!2IfZTD3]4rrC.9IXTju`$b'/reS4B Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. rr@hC^\j.ZkM:pk6@THZk_mN3n;8=MIRO29_j%oG^\S97B)_kJgHto?jt`"mEgQ-:rr>>LN8OD7 "Vag!+#N5]rrT32"r.N4hu*]W1OnA#TmuYO (h_*&9C'Pd>o.42i!LIB.%VqJEGl1Q4d_fJ^3$/C2N(,<6M6/\06P"pF:3C>ORo+iI r&IFD49#;RT>kgI/[R21@jq?WLFI\mJ+OELc2Rct[Y=_]b[l78;+LOYGLA_TO#J,0iT@?D!$gV$ When they arrived at the scene, officers found that two of the cars crashed head-on, and one of them caught on fire. A police monitoring service indicated the crash occurred in the area of Rocktown Hill Road. `7KD^rrD9SETdq_C0o%q%Nc.%T<7crrD71nXKOY$Z-:O!1:nn G]t1Fq*mFoi-u,ZLCqHbh)ru.h[a+8XOdbZGeOc]>o'F&3/X$>c!osHnF\K`RTPG)@gT=LJU$c> WebPortion of I-295 shut down following fatal multi-vehicle crash Action News Jax. The crash took place a day before another fatal crash on the Palisades Parkway in Rockland County in Haverstraw that killed a 36-year-old Orange County man. E?%fm'Odf'=^@:;N>8#?JuBrG?e8rg':\].Yl1%T#XdT)'&,aE/Cl"P&U9c,6re<0>hc6dd\Ct3 8&Q1o4sJO)G@BG\BWU3N%7'];*t(H7g07*bXKG6?HI^L\Oi%=:B=V6gUFCJ,/AK=l7SIHK\Q@2i !&9c8m6r,e2;^t)! bEkF5^,&sfhcnQ9Ig(3\]XPJ+VMuM?niJ(9?F.09NF'$;@V/gIEM>VWi,Sr\@WQAK)9\eo _`Y9O1l2oD,+"H_tS>k>Q+qCq_)4P=nna6`@Z,I8N\feC\[;h"I^+s2(o]W@G9sOL0qGZq'ReWd_nE7V>&P1=IOfPM7A=;+N[hJ6huOrNj&8L! RJ@Nr!"Mp*NrK+C-h3]+! WebPublic InformationAMBER Alert PlanBody Worn CamerasCALEACertifications For T & U VisasChild Safety Seat ProgramCompliments & ComplaintsConsent Decree InformationCrash Report InformationCrime ReportsEvidence Field ManualFatal Crash Statistics - Year to DateFatal Motor Vehicle Crash Yearly ReportsFirearms 0:00 0:57 EAST AMWELL - A Lambertville woman died following a serious motor vehicle crash on Route 31 southbound Wednesday, New Jersey State Police reported. Authorities say Gerald J. /Type /Catalog Responding units were advised that this fire was involving a serious accident and additional EMS units were added to the call. !od:^jV:0Z/aC3?SBdYK;/AGTA^Nm#Cjej\5LR:# /Producer (Oracle PDF driver) %u-YdE;g;GKcEJ=)S(k`0li:]Pi;C8]Wl^\4%^uMND[S_IdLBG>WikNRqpjZ'mLhZpZrXl/R6,m psJ)l02M*KKt\IMdok+;e*S&kXef^? *. West Haverstraw in Haverstraw Town, More than ever, success in business is determined by reach in your community. Daily Voice prov, 5 Killed, Including 2 Children, In Rockland County House Fire, Officials Say, 5 Killed, Including 2 Children, In Rockland County House Fire, , Prison Nurse Rapes Inmate At Correctional Facility In Hudson Va, Suspect Uses Garage Door Opener In Unlocked Car To Break Into H. Authorities say additional charges may be filed. H=_m4$jun+rX)*k:L*nGT,b6j-V;#g*X2=[H`:\)0nrbVI8aDB`#AW^GZ\L8>[&hIVF_Ag(U:;^ [rdT`*gZAG8$Mf-anuI.Ff48aQocHKtNGKt0p&9QJmJ;m: :rUN['N&5pVt7u,72,`!72,`!72,`!72,`!72,`!72,`!72,`!72,`!72,`!72,`!72,`!72,`! The driver is identified as a 24-year-old man from North Arlington and the passenger a 27-year-woman from Bergenfield. /Type /Page ne=r.DjUAPjnY[mX7j87Tt>0rr;QbC[\2j!kP.I[=5.+Ha7\*TlM[oQk\NQ4J'[VAg4R0#r@"DS 'Mo$bHsEnJ_E,u#nWue' 5 0 obj Phoenix police responded to a crash involving three vehicles just after 11 p.m. near 19th Avenue, just north of Loop 101. lY3eBP/b8-p#H%t^SC8q6;Ir``nWk1G^_[C3tHneE>5Ylq/L[%#h+I,nD6Y]2=2gO0iY4"4jBt6 Alejandro Goez from the New Jersey State Police Public Information Unit told MidJersey.News that an accident was reported at 3:33 a.m. north bound in the inner roadway at Mile Post 56.8. GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP, N.J. (CBS) -- A person died in a car crash on Route 42 in Gloucester Township, New Jersey, early Friday morning. ZX7HJE6I\K(\$:Ji=?H5*Za9u6[?VMM[$_9pf\TtCO/&k#@pAX4:mVL'& endobj Market data provided by Factset. 0+(n;ph.O'G9E(2o`S&3L#Ol4L6QH(E>6'MOA;ojWGY^oa_?7FT;VF;H2!#A,&i%[bJPB;[i\+% The bridge has since reopened. -+CCE3D_cB'"_FP#ug]B7:D,N;>hZCpfpQ! State troopers are investigating the fatal crash. L[B--,2kY5H&CPX(1AKt:)8,(2R;@,$XCr'9"@E$oo/c!V$C2#>e_)F8eR-l/>3gW!VDT6HnI17 k.-IV:,]DiNAk! rrC.9IXTju`$b'/reS4Brr<=urb(:fr&IFD49#;RT>kgI/[R21@jq?WLFI\mJ+OELc2Rct[Y=_] !6f#']2;)r9m>#Mrf8uZJ)TOnrr=;*q=e=t! /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB Search by State. A driver was killed when two pickup trucks crashed Sunday night in Carneys Point in Salem County. ps&g=Ksl^8!6f#']2;)r9m>#Mrf8uZJ)TOnrr=;*q=e=t! 7 0 obj The accident was reported north of Exit 7 near the Burlington Mercer County Line.

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