. If you have any questions, please contact dentalce@tufts.edu. Note to Iowa Dental Professionals: Procter & Gamble is approved by the Iowa Dental Board as a sponsor of dental continuing education courses and programs. Because rates vary depending on availability, please book your room early. Speaker and Birnberg Research Awardee: Rita Charon, MD, PhD, Chair, Dept. Fine with Dr. Jenny Mathews. Continuing Dental Education College of Dentistry . Registration: FREE to view (does not include continuing education credits); Registration is still required. Presented by the Orthodontic Alumni Society of Columbia University. Saturday & Sunday, October 1 & 2, 2022 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day In-Person at the Rutgers School of Dental Medicine 50 12th Avenue, Newark, NJ 07103 . If a participant is unable to join the day of due to symptoms or a positive COVID test, they will be eligible for a full refund. This academy is dedicated to the advancement of health care education and is committed to increasing health professional education, innovators and future leaders. TUSDM OCE will separate commercial entities product displays from the learning environment and disclose to all the participants any unrestricted grants or sponsorship received for the continuing education programming. As of September 20, 2021. As surgical guides are streamlined into routine use by general and specialist dentists alike, understanding the steps involved in designing and fabricating such guides provides a better understanding of their application, limitation and use. See full datails on link. To be contacted: Includes typodont and all dental instruments and materials needed. The Department of Prosthodontics hosts this special international conference with Prof. Irena Sailer and teaching staff from the University of Geneva. Sidney Eisig and Elizabeth Philipone, with Guest Speaker Dr. Loren W. Greene, NYU Langone Health,discussing Differentiating131IRadiation Sialadenitis from Sjgren Syndrome related Sialadenitis. For CDM faculty, clinical staff, residents and students. Oct 15, 2022. Discount if also taking CPR Recertification in the afternoon. Office of Continuing Dental Education. Dental teams encouraged to participate. Topics include: Living Well to 100;Multidisciplinary Management of Esthetic Implant Failures-Surgical, Restorative and Orthodontics Solutions, and Periodontal Disease-Lessons from Epidemiology, Pathobiologyand Common Sense. Recent recognition of the markedly high prevalence of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) arthritis in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) coupled with the significant morbidity associated with TMJ damage has prompted increased interest in both the clinical and pathological aspects of TMJ arthritis. This requirement does not apply to dentists and registered dental assistants. All Florida licensed dentists must complete 30 credit hours of approved continuing education in dental-related subjects each biennium. Course Directors Dr. Sidney Eisig and Dr. Angela Yoon with guest speaker RuiP. Fernandes, MD, DMD, University of Florida, discussingContemporary Management of Odontogenic Tumors & What Should You Expect fromSurgical Management of Your Patient with Oral Cancer. Each major discpline is covered targeting neurology. 201. Participants are encouraged to bring implant cases to discuss. Conflict of Interest can include stock ownership, current or past employment, paid consultant services, paid speaking engagements, membership on advisory boards or funded research activities. 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm - Reception, celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Divsion - for CDM faculty and alumni only. January 20 - 22, 2022. Case reviews and interactive discussions. 7. Alumni reps Drs. Cancellation Policy effective January 1, 2019. DENTAL COMPONENT- Educational objectives provide an update on current concepts in dental practice, including:How to recognize and manage common dental office emergencies; identify common and rare oral malignancies at an early stage;prevent and manage medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw; understand restorative needs of patients requiring full-mouth rehabilitation; and also diagnose implant complications and selectappropriate treatment modalities(see detailed agenda). The continuing education (CE) requirement does apply to all licensees who have a current DEA registration or use another DEA number (as permitted by law) to prescribe controlled substances. Dr. James Fine and Dr. Cleber Silvaprovidea thoroughreview on the basics of how to clearly interpret patients' cone beam scans. Course Director Dr. David Momtaheni with Dr. Steven Syrop. The 2017 AAP/EPF World Workshop on the Classification of Periodontal diseases represent a paradigm shift in periodontal care. Speakers: Dr. James Sciubba, Johns Hopkins, Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology; Dr. Regina Santella, Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center; and Dr. Gary Schwartz, Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center. Healthcare professionals learn up-to-date information on the pros and cons of cannabis in patient care. Fri. Oct. 21- 11:00 am - 1.5 credit hrs. The NJDA is an ADA CERP recognized provider of continuing education with its recognition extending through 6/30/25. Continuing Dental Education Course and a Beach Getaway! No short lecture on pediatric dentistry can cover all of the things which comprise this specialty, but this presentation hopes to focus on the things that a dentist will come in contact with the active child. This first session coversAtraumatic Extraction and Socket/Ridge Preservation. The University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine Continuing Dental Education Center provides the tri-state area's dental community with quality, timely and innovative continuing dental education programs. If you get your parking ticket validated with the Continuing Education Office at the check-in table the day of your event, you are eligible for the Patient and Visitor Rate. Day 1: Didactic lectues with focus on science and technique, literature review and videos, followed by pig-jaw surgery and model-based training. The CDE's term of recognition is May 1, 2019 through December 31, 2023. If you have dietary restrictions, please indicate this on your registration form and we will try to accommodate. Leadership & Communication Study Club:Focused Leadership - Writing as a Dentist. Soft and hard tissue analysis and deficiency, planning and treatment will also be reviewed. We are committed to providing you with access to the best instructors, latest technologies, and highest quality educational experiences. Fine and Columbia University CDM faculty. We request that cell phones be turned to silent or vibrate during the course, as to not distract others in the learning environment. Limited class size for hands-on sessions. WithDr. James B. July 25, 2022 8:30-9:30 a.m. Previous Implantology Continuumattendees: If interested in taking a session to refresh your knowledge or fulfilla missed class, please contact the CE office. Fine and Dr. Frank Valdinoto. Customized, based on participants' schedules during clinic hours (Mon-Fri). With Dr. James B. With Scientific Chairman Dr. Dennis Tarnow and distinguished dental implant experts: Dr.Edward P. Allen, Dr. Stephen Chu, Dr. Abdelsalam Elaskary, Dr. Gary Greenstein, Dr. John Kois, Dr. Carlos Aparicio Magalln, Dr. Alessandro Pozzi and Dr. Hom-Lay Wang. At our 2022 Meeting, we hosted over 33,467 dental professionals, including: . This course is co-sponsored in part byeducation grants from Straumannand Zimmer Biomet, 92 CE credits (84 CE, plus 8 CE for Symposium attendance), Off-site location: DoubleTree by Hilton, Fort Lee/George Washington Bridge 2117 Rte. Small group setting, participants are encouraged to bring cases to discuss. Courses on . Science (Biology . Events will conclude with a cocktail reception in the Center for Precision Dental Medicine. Devoted to providing professional, current, scientific education 707 Parnassus Ave, D-4010. Participants are to bring a laptop and headphones with them each day. Take one or more of theseSunday morningCElectures and hands-on, model-based training sessions withCourse Director Dr. Philip Kang. Continuing Education Programs Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the New York State Education Department will allow you to complete 100% of your continuing education as self-study, from now until January 1, 2023, so long as it is taken from an approved provider and is an acceptable clinical subject area for dentistry. By special invitation from Dean Stohler, Dr. Jukka H. Meurman, University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Hospital, discusses oral infections. ), Refund Policy for non mini-residency courses: Full tuition refund will be given for cancellations received at least two weeks prior to course date. Best Online Dental CE Courses - 2022 HelpToStudy.com 2023. Dr. Gregory Bunza shares an understanding ofSpecial Needs for the Developmentally Disabled, Frail Older Adult, and Medically Compromised Patients. Speakers include: Dr. Matthew Meyerson (Keynote), Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, USA; Dr. Emma Allen-Vercoe, University of Guelph, Canada; Dr. Wendy Garrett, Harvard University, USA; Dr. Robert Holt, University of British Columbia, Canada; Dr. Jie Hong, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, PRC; Dr. Renate Lux, UCLA, USA; Dr. Shuji Ogino, Brigham and Womens Hospital, Harvard T.H. Course Director Dr. Panos N. Papapanou and Guest Speaker Prof. Dr. Mariano Sanz discussTreatment of Peri-implantitis:Is is possible to decontaminate affected implant surfaces? Plus interactive student scholar presentations byJonathan Chodroff, Dr. Fatemeh Momen Heravi, James Pizzo andAlex Drew, with faculty mentors. A myriad of topics and cutting edge information will be discussed, and include: What is that thing and how do I treat it? Course Director Dr. Philip Kang oversees each sessionfocusing on different surgical methods. Finally in our third section, Dr. Molinari will provide up to date vaccine recommendations and lead a discussion on vaccinations, their impacts, and the myths surrounding them. Course participants will become familiar with pathological, traumatic, or developmental abnormalities that cause facial and dental asymmetries and how mild to moderate cases may be managed with orthodontics, orthodontics with TADs, and in some instances in combination with minimally invasive surgery. As you know, wisdom teeth can truly wreak havoc in people's mouths. Dr. James B. We understand the needs of clinicians: from in-depth hands-on training programs, to the latest scientific and clinical breakthroughs. *. You will learn key points to help make your life easier and practical information that can be immediately applied. 1 day ago 1. Distinguished Alumni awards will be presented to Dr.Dana Graves '80, Dr.Laureen Langer '82, Perio '84, and Dr.Uri Hangorsky '74. This Congress, open to all practicing clinicians and presented in English, will have concurrent sessions focusing on current medical and dental topics of interest to the practicing clinician. Using an evidence-based approach, clincial cases are presented as we discuss what we know and what we still need to learn. 16 ACPE Credits. If these school policies change, all participants will be notified of the change and the registration page will be updated. Courses by AACD .7. ; Evanthia Lalla, DDS, MS; and Michael Bolden DDS. Includes opportunity for case reviews and interactive discussion. About Us Speaker Dr. David Momtahenidiscusseshow you can improve orthodontic and cosmetic dental practices by combing 3-D facial prediction analysis and, in selective cases, a minimally invasive, lower-third of the face esthetic improvement. Guest speakerDr. Pierpaolo (Sandro) Cortellini, MD, DDS, multidisciplinary private practice in Florence, Italy, discussesHopeless tooth, or hopeless clinician? 13 ACCME&CDEcredits - dental teams encouraged to attend, as well as nurses, doctors and specialists. Held in partnership with Jason J. Kim Dental Aesthetics. With Co-course directors Dr. Dennis Tarnow and Dr. James B. Common and Unusual Oral Pathologic Lesions- Columbia CDM alumnaOlga A. C. Ibsen, RDH, MS, FAADH,covers oral pathology. 2018-2019 CE Approval Chart. Register withColumbia University CDM for theACDE Live Webinar Series. Tufts University School of Dental Medicine offers a state-of-the art and professional setting for your business meetings, seminars, conferences, and product demonstrations in a convenient location indowntown Boston. Day 2: surgical video review, participants bring patients or observe (limited). Dentsply Sirona offers a wide variety of live dental ce courses: Implantology Endodontics Orthodontics Digital Dentistry Discover all courses! This course held in partnership with and supported by: Delta Dental. Click on the individual sessions for full details and registration. Held in partnership and with support from Delta Dental. B. Drs. There is a wide range of conferences for dental professionals in 2022. CE Credit (s): 1. . In the afternoon, this interactive session will present a potpourri of interesting cases seen by Dr. Svirsky or emailed to him over the past few years. This webinar was recorded in January 2022. This course will provide attendees with a comprehensive review of oral pathology. Maximum of 12 seats. Emphasizing preventive and restorative dentistry, our experienced . Course DirectorDr. James B. Mock bench test; prior to, and following the course, live virtual bonus sessions via Zoom. To stay up to date on the latest courses, events and announcements: Follow us on Instagram: @tufts.dental.ce, Tufts University School of Dental Medicine For more information, contact: Dr. Keith Goldman, Treasurer - T: 917-968-0643; email c/o: Held at ColumbiaDoctors, 51 West 51st Street, NYC, Take one or more classes- every third class taken receives a series discount. Take one or more of theseSunday morningCElectures and hands-on, model-based training sessions with Course Director Dr. Philip Kang. Audience: Ortho Alumni Society members and non-member Orthodontsts, CDM Ortho Faculty/CDM Students/Residents, plus student/residents from other Colleges. See scheduled in-person courses throughout the US. WithDr. James B. Take one or more of theseSunday morningCElectures and hands-on, model-based training sessions. Designed for the experienced generalist and specalist seeking to improve the skills and knowledge required for successful placement and restoration of implants. Practice Management Considerations of an Orofacial Pain/Dental Sleep Medicine Practice. 84 CE credits, plus 8 CE credits for CU/ICOI Symposium attendance. Participants will gain an introduction of forensic odontology and why our laws dictate the requirement for legal identity. This section will also examine abuse and human trafficking. All Rights Reserved. 5th & 6th Aves. Author: dentistry.temple.edu. Up to 16 (part II) MOC points in medical knowledge in the American Board of Internal Medicine's (ABIM) Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program. Aired On: 09/28/2022 : . Join the Orthodontic Alumni Society of Columbia Universityand guest speakers:Dr. Candice Zemnick discussesMaxillofacial Rehabilitation-Intraoral and Extraoral ProsthesesandDr. Pradip Shetye reviews Orthodontic and Surgical Management of Complex Craniofacial Anomalies. Tufts University, School of Dental Medicine is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider. Join Dr. James B. Rutgers School of Dental Medicine Continuing Dental Education. Fri., Jan. 20, 2017, 1:15 pm- 5:00pm; Doors open at 12:45 pm. Symposium in Oral & Craniofacial Pathology: Review of Internal Medicine and Pharmacology for the Dental Hygienist, oral health consequences of smoking, including vaping and hookah Use, A "St. Louis-Style" Oral Pathology Safari, Evolving Your Practice with Comprehensive Implant Dentistry: Prosthetic & Surgical Treatment Provided by the Same Hands, Orthodontics and the Family Practice Dentist, The Sidney L. Horowitz Lecture in Orthodontics, Comprehensive Implantology Continuum, Part II, Comprehensive Implantology Continuum, Part I. Columbia University Symposium at the GNY Dental Meeting: Infection Prevention in the Dental Setting, Columbia University/ICOI Dental ImplantSymposium, Spanish American Medical and Dental Society of New York: Annual Congress, Click here forDENTAL AGENDA & REGISTRATION, Greater New York Dental Meeting - Columbia CDM Friday afternoon session, Advanced Topics in Orthodontics: International Mini-Residency Seminar, Course description and presenter biography, How the Dental Team Can Coordinate Care with Nutritionists, Annual Comprehensive Implantology Continuum, Part I, Columbia University / ICOI Dental ImplantSymposium, At the Crossroads:MedicineSurgeryDentistry, Held inpartnership with the Department of Medicine, Annual Patricia McLean Symposium for the Dental Hygienist, Course description and learning objectives, Essential Surgeries to Grow Your Dental Practice:#6 -, Snoring and Sleep Apnea: A Comprehensive Review, 2019 Birnberg Research Program - Birnberg Lecture, Essential Surgeries to Grow Your Dental Practice:#7 -, 30th Annual Benjamin Tenenbaum Memorial Lecture: The Genomic Basis of the Two Major Diseases, Caries and Periodontitis: Discoveries and Challenges. Orofacial Pain & Sleep Medicine. In-person lectures and model-based training sessions, and literature review. Register through Columbia University CDM for thisACDE Joint Provider Live Webinar Series. 319-335-7166. amanda-shoemaker@uiowa.edu. Office of Continuing Dental Education. Dr. Elizabeth Philipone presentsSession 3 (acute and chronic vesiculobullous lesions, oral premalignancy and squamous cell carcinoma, and oral manifestations of systemic disease). Includes student scholar presentations. Gainanin-depth understanding of designing and fabricating surgicalguides in-office. This course is designed for general dentists, orthodontists and oral surgeons to be part of the treatment team by offering non-surgical and surgical modalities. University of California, San Francisco | School of Dentistry. PresentersDr. James B. Case reviews and interactive discussion. Course Director Dr. Philip Kang overseas thisSunday morningCElectureand hands-on, model-based training course. The priority for course enrollment is: . Every one of us has had this happen during your career! This is a program offered by the Clinical Skills Evaluation and Examination Center (CSEEC) at the Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine Center, Herman Ostrow School . *. . . Take one or more sessions - click on links belowfor details/registration: For help with registration, 212.305-7124 or dentalce@cumc.columbia.edu. 4/23/2022 About the Course: Dental professionals, most notably dental hygienists, play an important role in controlling denture contamination and in instructing patients in the proper care and sanitization of removable dentures and . Take one or more sessions throughout 2023. UCLA is widely recognized as the preeminent continuing dental education provider. This course is co-sponsored in part by an education grant from Straumann, and Zimmer Biomet. This course is sponsored in part by materials support from: Brasseler USA, Parkell Inc., GC America, Salvin Dental. In this presentation, the mysteries of pathology will become clear, allowing you to communicate more effectively with your patient regarding their oral diseases. Symposium in Oral & Craniofacial Pathology, Click here forSummary grid of fall dates/topics with registration pages, Oral Cancer and Premalignancy: Guide to Diagnosis and Management, Click here for agenda and full course description, Minimally Invasive Implant Treatment: The Geneva Method, Six weekends: Jan. 7-8*, Feb. 25-26, March 18-19, April 15-16, May 6-7, and June 10-11, 2023, Bonus: Includes optional participation inthe live virtual, This course is supported in part by: Straumann // ZimVie, Format: Live virtual lecture and literature review, heldvia Zoom, Format: Interactive live virtual lecture, literature review, and case discussion, held via Zoom. All attempts to contact registrants will be made as soon as possible in the event of a course cancellation. Day 2: patient observations. Fine,withDr. Jenny Mathewsand Dr. Frank Valdinoto. Continuing education. Tobacco advertising will be exposed and the link between human papilloma virus and oral cancer discussed. One Kneeland Street, Boston, MA 02111, Dr. Shibani Sahni,BSD, Postgrad-Dip Restorative Dentistry, MMSc Dental Education, Program Director CE/Lifelong Learning and Distance Education, Assistant Professor Department of Comprehensive Care,shibani.sahni@tufts.edu, faculty profile, Kristin Benoit, Assistant Director of Continuing Education, Marketing and Communications,kristin.benoit@tufts.edu, Maria Suarez, Program Coordinator of Continuing Education,dentalce@tufts.edu, Skyler Magyar, Program Coordinator of Continuing Education, dentalce@tufts.edu.