cutting horse sales 2022

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Luna - 2022 AQHA Bay Roan Yearling Filly We offer live tack that starts at 3pm, live only! Preferred pride starts with 5-star care . All of our prices include shipping and, ONLINE AUCTION - ONLINE BIDDING OPEN NOW THRU THURSDAY, March 2nd, 2023 at EquineAuction. "Nacho" is a joy to have around here. 2022; Fort Worth, Texas. ONLINE AUCTION Place your bid at PlatinumEquineAuction dot com Auction end.. BUY A CUTTING HORSE. Ocala Horse Sale is an all breed consignment horse sale. You can place your maximum bid ahead of time and the computer will then act as your agent at sale time, bidding on your behalf by minimum increments to keep you in the lead. All Rights Reserved. For up-to-date information about The Absolute Reduction Sale of Fults Ranch, including the online catalog, visit We work hand in hand with quality horse auction companies to provide the best online bidding experience available and bring horses from anywhere in the country right to your phone or computer. This sale will be WEBCAST LIVE with Internet Bidding available! Dual Smoking Cat THE Horseman's SHOWCASE **ending DECEMBER 12th** Visit www. Sign up to receive the latest news, advice and ads, straight to your inbox. Privacy Policy Conducted during the NCHA Futurity and World Finals shows, the Cutting Horse Sale was held Dec. 7 at Will Rogers Memorial Center in Fort Worth, Texas. Consignment Fee: $100.00 plus 10% commission on horses, no pass out fee. ALL Consignors & Registered Bidders will get a chance at $1000 in free play at the casino! Use these tools to locate a certified NCHA Judge. Process for monitoring our weekend judges. The stallion also was part of a famous trio of brothers that included Gallo Del Cielo ("Rooster") and Grays Starlight. OPEN PREVIEWS FRIDAY, MARCH 17TH We invite all prospective buyers to come on out Friday afternoon, visit with our sellers (most will be on site by then), and watch these horses work in the arena. 2022; 2021; 2020; 2019; 2018; Nominate; News; Shop; Contact Us; . POST AD FREE. For More Information, Contact Jonathan Waugh (606) 748-9721 Payment Methods:Cash & All Credit/Debit Cards (3.5% Fee on all cards) Checks ONLY accepted with current bank letter of credit Friday Night Dinner catered by Three Silos - tickets must be purchased by March 4th PayPal to purchase tickets:, Monthly Horse & Tack Sale on the 2nd Saturday of Every Month. The Marsh Carney Saddlery Select Cutting Horse Sale is again bringing all vendors the Yearling Incentive in which applies to all yearlings sold through the Marsh Carney Saddlery Sales in . Futurity Cutting Horse Sale. Explore the current categories that NCHA uses when determining classes at produced events. End Date/Time. Preferred Equine, with David Reid at the helm, began selling Standardbred horses in 1988. never go flat front tires !!! Simulcast Horse Auctions Throughout The U.S. com! Please note that a pre-authorization for $500 will be placed on your registered card. Thu Dec 8 Watt Arena 9:00 AM. Porter Quarter Horses. . Sale Preview Starts at 10 A.M. Sale Starts at 1 P.M. Providing service with the upmost integrity to insure a prosperous environment for both consignor and buyer. horsebid. BUY NOW thru April 30 - 2023 East Coast Halter Futurity Stallion Service Auction. 2022 Southern Cutting Horse Futurity: 10/19/22 - 10/22/22: 2022 WB NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity Sales: 10/19/22 - 10/22/22: ARHFA World Championship Rope Horse Futurity: 10/19/22: Services for Gary Gonsalves / Double G Cutting horses: 10/15/22 - 10/16/22: American South West Texas CHA: 10/14/22 - 10/15/22: South West Oklahoma CHA: 10/14/22 - 10 . 100% sound. It is available FREE to download from the Google Play and App Stores! Sale Name & Description. Are you looking for QUALITY, SAFE, GENTLE, SOUND horses? Explore the current categories that NCHA uses when determining classes at produced events. Online application for an NCHA member to add Non-Pro or Amateur to their existing NCHA membership. 17880 Oswalt Road Overbrook, OK 73453 (918) 208-2894. . I could go on, For Sale, *These dates are TENTATIVE and will be modified based on entries received. 8. QUESTIONS AND WHERE TO ASK THEM! You're a power user moving through this website with super-human speed. 2023 Summer RulesStall ReservationsPrintable ScheduleExhibitor Packet, Online Entry Form (O / N / A)Open Entry Form - PDFNon-Pro Entry Form - PDFAmateur Entry Form - PDF, Youth Scholarship Entry Form - PDFYouth Scholarship Entry Form - Online, 1145 University DriveFort Worth, TX 76107, 3150 Riverfront DriveFort Worth, Texas 76107Book Now, Our Mission Statement and a brief overview of the sport and its history, Executive Committee Members and Association Business, Read issues of our Official Publication - the Cutting Horse Chatter, Charitable arm of NCHA supporting: youth scholarships, animal welfare, historical preservation, and promotion of the sport of cutting, All the information for the Upcoming NCHA Convention. CONSIGNMENT FORM Sale Results 2022 SPRING SALE Spring Performance and Select Sale Columbiana, Ohio Garwood Arena HIGH SELLER: $30,000 TOP 5 AVERAGE: $27,100 Coggins and health papers need to be done before you arrive to the sale. This authorization will fall off once the sale is complete and any purchases you have made are paid for. , ~* FLASHY Barrel Horse or Reining Prospect! Horses for Sale - Cutting Horses - Horses for Sale 1 - 40 of 374 1 Pepino (Pepino) Buckley, Washington 98321 USA 2020 Red Roan AQHA Quarter Horse Colt $6,500 Pepino Horse ID: 2242683 Photo Added/Renewed: 10-Feb-2023 10AM For Sale RKR Scoobiedootoo (Murdock) Del Norte, Colorado 81132 USA As you were browsing something about your browser made us think you were a bot. Copyright 2023 Quarter Horse News If you prefer to use your browser, we do recommend using Google Chrome IMPORTANT! At Horse Of My Dreams, At Horse Of My Dreams weve dedicated the last 17 years helping thousands of families find their perfect partners! Meet Risto Smart aka Little Timmy! Form to use to commend a judge or request review of a judge's placings. Preferreds experience with horses and in the sales arena has placed our sales agency #1 in the Standardbred industry! Wed Dec 7 Watt Arena 4:00 PM. Cattle are herd animals. Have had him since he was a 2yr old. You've disabled JavaScript in your web browser. Finished Cutting Horse Classifieds by, part of the, LLC group of websites. Non-Pro Finals. All Rights Reserved. Athletic, great colored Tobiano filly. Cutting Horses for Sale in Alden MN, Alexandria KY Post Free Ad We are proud to represent many of the industrys leading breeders, trainers, and owners. All offspring by "Top Row" stallions can list their horses for sale at no cost. Good breeder. Delivery available. Camping Spots are available with water and electric, contact 904-618-5588 Owners of sale: Danny Tuten, Brad Wood. com Since then Preferred has sold over 20,000 horses for a combined gross of over $500 million. Champagne N Caviar Pip is 100% color producer. 2022; 2021; 2020; Las Vegas, Nevada. Broke fun smooth gaits ! BIDDING OPEN NOW thru JANUARY 16th Arie is super easy to handle and work with on the ground. The Evening Session. Classified listings of Cutting Horses for Sale : Alden, Alexandria, Prentiss, Other Areas. Learn the basics for how cutting is judged. Little Timmy - Cutting / Ranch Gelding Tampa, FL Breed Quarter Horse Gender Gelding Color N/A Height (hh) 14.2 ONLINE AUCTION - ONLINE BIDDING OPEN NOW THRU THURSDAY, March 2nd, 2023 at EquineAuction. Age: 7 Years Old, Height: 13.2 h. This is NOT a charge, just an authorization to verify you are indeed a real person with a real card and is a good faith hold to allow you to bid. Rose is a 2015 AQHA, https: //busterhorses. Use these tools to locate a certified NCHA Judge. Please note that horses will be posted in random order with placeholder lot numbers until consignments close and the sale catalog is completed. Facebook page : Southern Premier Horse Sale For transportation of a horse you buy via online: Contact: Dori- 904-618-5588 or Danny Tuten- 912-850-4465 Several Hotels are within 1-2 miles of the facilty. Sire: Diaman H Strait Breez (Strait From Texas x Ris Key Charlie is a one owner, farm raised gelding. He's been trail ridden. On Friday, December 7, the 2018 NCHA Futurity Sales continued to reflect an energized market, with Session III of the Preferred Breeders Sale, where 90% of 153 horses offered sold for an average of $20,666. Interested in bringing your quality horse auction to the next level? It will be the company's first online sale. Stay up to date on our auction schedule and news, or bid from anywhere. Entry Deadlines and Payment Schedule for Triple Crown Events. RESULTS: 2022 NCHA Futurity Sales Cutting Horse Sale Hip-by-hip results from the NCHA Futurity Cutting Horse Sale at the 2022 Western Bloodstock NCHA Futurity Sales. Rulebook; Rider Earnings/Eligibility; . Paddys Irish Whiskey has sired the winners of nearly $1.5 million, and his top five earners have succeeded in cutting, ranch versatility, reining, reined cow horse and roping events. Bidding available until. GROUP: PREMIER HORSE SALES. A FREE ENTRY TO THE NCRHA FUTURITY IS . For details on how we use your data, please see our, Disclaimer HorseClicks is not responsible for any errors or incorrect information posted by its members and does not represent or share opinions of its members. AVAILABLE ON ONLINE HORSE AUCTION AT www. We invite you to browse through this site to see the upcoming sales that will feature Preferred Equine consignments, and to submit any entries you may have for us directly over the internet. The term "Cutting" refers to the act of separating one cow from a herd of cattle. Below are results provided by Western Bloodstock Ltd. Hip, Horse, YOB, (Sire x Dam x Dams Sire), Consigner, Buyer, Price, RNA Info, 3044, DONT STOPP TWICE, 2018 gelding (Dont Stopp Believin x Dontt Happen Twice x Woody Be Tuff), Philip E. & Mary Ann Rapp, Bobby Gale, $100,000, 3005, BELIEVE IN IT, 2017 mare (Dont Stopp Believin x Autumn Starlena x Autumn Acre), Philip E. & Mary Ann Rapp, Bobby Gale, $90,000, 3016, NINE LIVES LEFT, 2016 gelding (High Brow Cat x Hicapep x Dual Pep), Mandy R. Chisum, Josh Letsis, $85,000, 3029, HALOVAYEAR, 2018 mare (Metallic Cat x Dancing With Hal x Halreycious), Beau & Ashley Galyean, Cooper Smith, $75,000, 3019, BAYBE BLUE, 2017 mare (Once In A Blu Boon x Cat Rey Lou x High Brow Cat), Jim See, Jeremy Barwick, $69,000, 3001, FOXY LITTLE SUE, 2018 mare (Boon Too Suen x Cat O Connor x High Brow Cat), Greg Williamson, Ty Smith, $19,000, 3002, MY SOUL REYVIVAL, 2017 mare (Smooth Talkin Style x Chinosa Rey x Dual Rey), Thom & Terri Childress, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED ($27,000), 3003, JUST STOPP IT, 2019 gelding (Dont Stopp Believin x Miss Doc Play Gun x Playgun), Mark Pryor, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED ($40,000), 3004, DESIRESOMEROYALTY, 2015 gelding (One Time Royalty x Desires Katrina x High Brow Cat), Shawn Hayward, WITHDRAWN, 3005, BELIEVE IN IT, 2017 mare (Dont Stopp Believin x Autumn Starlena x Autumn Acre), Philip E. & Mary Ann, Rapp, Bobby Gale, $90,000, 3006, HUCKLEBERRY SANNMAN, 2019 gelding (Sannman x Ill Be Cute x Ill Be Smart), Rockin J Quarter Horses/Johnny & Janet Cooper, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED ($22,000), 3007, REYNBOW STEW, 2016 gelding (Auspicious Cat x Purple Reyn x Metallic Cat), Ed or Shona Dufurrena, RESERVE NOT ATTAINED ($47,000), 3008, BRANDY THEN SUGAR, 2019 mare (Kit Kat Sugar x Ms Brandy Alexander x Cats Merada), Thom & Terri, Childress, WITHDRAWN, 3009, SPORTY METALLIC 18, 2018 mare (Metallic Cat x Miss Hickory Hill x Docs Hickory), Rock Creek Cutting Horses LLC, Alan & Allison Chappell, $48,000, 3010, DOUBLE SHOT CHILLED, 2016 mare (Metallic Cat x Dual Smart Kitty x Dual Smart Rey), Buck Creek Quarter Horses,WITHDRAWN, 3011, RL ACE OF HEARTS, 2016 mare (Smoking Aces x Lizzabella Rose x Lizzys Gotta Player), Thom & Terri Childress, Tim & Chuck Drummond, $18,500, 3012, STYLIN ROCKETTE, 2017 mare (Rockin W x Absalutely Stylin x Stylin Cat), John McClaren, Dee Merritt, $45,000, 3013, STINGREYS, 2019 gelding (Dual Rey x Magistic Moon x Metallic Cat), Fults Ranch LTD, Pedro Ornelas, $31,000, 3014, THIS CATS IN ORDER, 2017 mare (Meteles Cat x The Doctress Orders x Dual Rey), Teton Ridge,RESERVE NOT ATTAINED ($150,000), 3015, MORNING BUZZ, 2019 gelding (Smooth Talkin Style x Cat Believe It x High Brow Cat), Patrick & Denise Bendele, Steve Schilling, $47,000, 3016, NINE LIVES LEFT, 2016 gelding (High Brow Cat x Hicapep x Dual Pep), Mandy R., Chisum, Josh Letsis, $85,000, 3017, MY CHECKERED PAST, 2018 stallion (Im Countin Checks x Pretty Uptown x Pretty Boy Cat), Mark, Senn, Fernando Loza, $38,000, 3018, O MY GOSH MARGIE, 2019 mare (Hashtags x Smart Whittle Margie x Smart Whittle Play), Northern Cross Land & Cattle Co., RESERVE NOT ATTAINED ($34,000), 3020, SCRATCH ME ONE TIME, 2018 mare (One Time Pepto x Catscratch Sister x WR This Cats Smart), Deena Dunkle (Kolby Moore, Agent), Ty Smith, $52,000, 3021, DAMM IT BILL, 2018 gelding (Catty Hawk x Lil Pretty Richochet x Smart Lil Ricochet), T/K Cutting Horses, William M Parker, Jr, $34,000, 3022, MAKE BEELIEVE, 2018 gelding (Dont Stopp Believin x Miss Kitty Reycine x Smooth As A Cat), Philip E. & Mary Ann Rapp, Matt Williams, $58,000, 3023, LIGHT OF MY LIFE, 2019 mare (Smooth Talkin Style x SG Catty Starlight x WR This Cats Smart), Hill Ranches, Jose Berti, $15,500, 3024, POP SMOKE, 2018 gelding (Dual R Smokin x Mighty Fine Sue x Smart Little Lena), RPX Enterprises,WITHDRAWN, 3025, SEEING REDD, 2018 gelding (High Brow Cat x Royal Red Pepto x Peptoboonsmal), Puryear Farms/David Puryear, Marshall L Miller, $35000, 0, 3026, VALIANT, 2019 stallion (Smooth Talkin Style x Rockin Kitty x Dual Rey), Thom & Terri Childress, Oswaldo Celis, $21,000, 3027, CANT CASH YA, 2018 gelding (Reyzin The Cash x Wood Ya Woody Be Tuff), Rocking V Horses, Jake Pratt, $32,000, 3028, CALLIOPE CAT, 2016 mare (High Brow Cat x Reyz Me Twice x Dual Smart Rey), Mike Farris, Jose Berti, $40,000, 3030, RED RIGHT HAND, 2017 gelding (Once In A Blu Boon x Cats Melody x WR This Cats Smart), Shawn Hayward,WITHDRAWN, 3031, RJ OLENA SANNMAN, 2019 mare (Sannman x RJ Randy Red Cat x Little Cat Olena), Rockin J Quarter Horses/Johnny & Janet Cooper,RESERVE NOT ATTAINED ($29,000), 3032, BAYOU RENEGADE, 2018 gelding (Kit Kat Sugar x MNY Bayou Belle x Shorty Lena), JJ & Tiffany Manion, Louis Saggione, III, $20,000, 3033, MY REDEMPTION, 2011 mare (High Brow Cat x Dual Kual x Dual Pep), John Kolar, Ty Smith, $50,000, 3034, ECHOS OF PEPTO, 2015 gelding (Sweet Lil Pepto x Echos Merada x Cats Merada), Angela Montalbano,WITHDRAWN, 3035, LIL BUFFALOO, 2017 stallion (Lil Catbaloo x Smart Sweetnlow x Smart Sugar Badger), Star & Roger Cagle, Xavier Rodriguez, $18,000, 3036, WHIPCAT, 2019 stallion (Metallic Cat x Smart Asa Whip x Smart Little Lena), Paul Dagesse,WITHDRAWN, 3037, BLEU SUEDE SHOES, 2017 stallion (Reyzin The Cash x Purple Reyn x Metallic Cat), Ed or Shona Dufurrena,RESERVE NOT ATTAINED ($52,000), 3038, GREATER EXPECTATIONS, 2016 gelding (Third Cutting x Miss Biscalena x Mister Dual Pep), Deb Mullins,WITHDRAWN, 3039, DUAL REY MEKITTY, 2018 mare (Dual Rey x Mekitty x Metallic Cat), Eric & Lee Ann Thomas, Tim & Chuck Drummond, $38,000, 3040, LETHAL RAY, 2017 gelding (Dual Rey x CR Smart Letha Cat High Brow Cat), Mark Senn, Elam Swann, $44,000, 3041, TRIED TO GO BLACK, 2019 gelding (Once You Go Black x The Lady Santana x Santanas Cisco), RR Equine Investments LLC, Ross Hinds, $16,000, 3042, CANDID REBEL, 2018 mare (Metallic Rebel x Candualena x Dual Pep), Xavier Rodriguez, Susan Meyer, $50,000, 3043, BROWNN SUGARR, 2019 mare (Kit Kat Sugar x Play Neverey x Playgun), Carson Pearson,RESERVE NOT ATTAINED ($54,000), 3044, DONT STOPP TWICE, 2018 gelding (Dont Stopp Believin x Dontt Happen Twice x Woody Be Tuff), Philip E. & Mary Ann Rapp, Bobby Gale, $100,000. Monthly Horse Sale on the LAST FRIDAY of each month! Hello, Hello, Hello!! Thanks. We want you to bid with the most accurate information available! All General Sale Questions should be directed to Sale Manager Scotty Nicks (502) 664-6561 Internet Bidding Questions BEFORE SALE WEEKENDshould be directed to Bridget Lavigne with Horse Auctions USA (336) 904-8903 Internet Bidding QuestionsON SALE WEEKEND FROM FRIDAY THROUGH SUNDAYshould be directed to Victoria Shuffler at (828) 368-1263. 2023 Futurity RulesEntry Verification Search, 2023 PDF Entry - Open/Non-Pro2023 PDF Entry - Amateur2023 Online Entry - ALL, 1145 University Drive Fort Site powered by. Black Beautiful BROKE THE BEST! Open for Viewing . Eastern National Championships Entry Form, Upcoming Shows and their Assigned Judge(s), NCHA Foundation Western Heritage Celebration & Bred Heifer Auction. A third-party browser plugin, such as Ghostery or NoScript, is preventing JavaScript from running. , Ichi Spotz-14.0HH, 2017, Chestnut AQHA Gelding, Smart N Ruby-14.2H, 2018, Sorrel AQHA Mare, Long Cool Jazz-15.0H, 2015, Bay AQHA Mare, Mr Pepto Sassy Cat-14.0HH, 2016, Sorrel AQHA Gelding, Shining C Cruisindun-14.0, 2018, Grullo, AQHA, Mare, Maisies Instant Cat-14.1, 2009, Bay AQHA Gelding, One Time Touchdown - AQHA Registered Gelding, On A Tuff Drive-14.1, 2009, Sorrel AQHA Gelding, Bluez Cat-14.1, 2017, Red Roan AQHA Gelding, Checks Are A Boon-14.2H, 2016, Sorrel AQHA Gelding, Available via Online Auction @ , 2021 Blue Roan son of Cats Quixote Jack, Yearling colt out of a money producing dam, 2020 Gorgeous , smart "Can-do" geld. Send NCHA a list of your family members and horses they own. 2017 Quarter Horse Gelding approx 15.1 Preferred Equine is a full-service horse sales agency specializing in representing our customers as agent at both yearling and mixed Standardbred sales. Fax: 914-773-1633. The Arabian's strong body and quick reflexes make it an ideal choice for racing competitions or fast-paced performance events like jumping or dressage. $3,500. We Are Here To Help. We are so excited to be bringing you an outstanding selection of horses, ponies, and mules for ALL DISCIPLINES at the BEAUTIFUL, state-of-the-art Oak Grove Equestrian Center in Oak Grove, Kentucky! 5 years old Hes A Good Guy aka Chase Give us a call to discuss your company's needs! World Class Horses specializing in Roping, Reined Cow Horse, and Cutting; Annual Performance Horse Sale; Hershberger Performance Horses Jason and Nikki Hershberger PO Box 1033 Congress AZ 85332 OR 28425 S SR 89 Congress AZ 85332 Cell: 602-284-0836 Email: NCHA Summer Sales Cutters In Cowtown . Horse Auctions USA proudly offers interactive simulcast online bidding services for quality horse auctions throughout the United States as well as special "online only" horse auction events. KHC All-Breed All-Discipline Stallion Auction 2022-2023 Sale Ends Apr 1, 2023 10 Listings Available for Purchase Manhattan Kansas 66502 NorthCentralRHA. Resources. All ads are now just $49.95! While yearling fillies accounted for nine out of 10 of the day's top sellers, WKG Lotus, a yearling stallion . Stallion Subscription and Foal Nomination program that funds triple crown added monies. I have about 100 barn stored square bales from 2nd cutting in 2022. , Once in a Lifetime Gelding! All offspring by "Top Row" stallions can list their horses for sale at no cost. April 30 11:57 PM ET. 2022 hustler super z for sale - 2022 hustler super z with hard to find 72 inch awesome cutting deck !!! If you like everything about riding a mare, you need to come meet Rose. Preferred preps your horse until it shines! Form to use to commend a judge or request review of a judge's placings. My Account. Copyright 2005-2023, LLC. Preferred pride starts with 5-star care for your horse! After completing the CAPTCHA below, you will immediately regain access to the site again. AVAILABLE ON ONLINE HORSE AUCTION AT www. Phone: 914-773-7777 P.O. We have appeared on the covers of The Canadian Sportsman and Hoof Beats magazines. We require all animals be picked up the night of sale or shipping be set up appon payment. Also send me selected promotions from trusted 3rd parties. Knowing that, a horse and rider team will quietly ride into the herd, select and "cut" off (separate) one cow . Conducted during the NCHA Futurity and World Finals shows, the Cutting Horse Sale was held Dec. 7 at Will Rogers Memorial Center in Fort Worth, Texas. Top 100 Earners by Division Our top money earners from the 2022-2021 season. By Ima Special Kinda Guy x Sacs Sunday Times You can unsubscribe at any time. Missouri Horse Auction Springfield, MO FRIDAY, March 31st!

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