Eligible List / Notices Generated: week of 3/20/2023, 1st Round of Interviews: week of 3/27/2023. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Are you sure you want to delete your template? /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V We've optimized the total conference experience with new content formats, an . [3Z1p[>}n{_/>}o^n7/~2lP?7ob}~//_fx1{'c&|w_{?7^}w?Oy~o;+w>k~-own7/o-v/\UYy?Wxw/^7QU_~ww {Aw?Ow/_++o_|O|fwt`(p[9w ^x#AG7o{_Y)?/h4,^wi;)%[nmmS'B2ln\Y=_mYltlN6yOZ.a{nkkvx|lo{8&jlkvvc;?4~}o8'hqVhI@}8]kZe}i}|s>OkZ3tl1u!z5OE~kkf_;k$2S+t|gSu[{]u_Y7giSi7S_w]nq@an;ugcB:>hsplqN79zyH F#4vN2N{7c@qi:rLZxZk%]VS~%)yw. PARTIES 6. Opportunities posted to governmentjobs.com, Sue Quinones, Workers' Compensation Claims Manager, City of Portland general information hotline. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Welcome to the official web site of the City of Portland, Oregon. PEv%;W *_/ Tz Kv Ud^s "+ @\ d /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Give website feedback. Applicants must specifically address and demonstrate in their supplemental question responses and resume how their education, training, work experience, and/or lived experience, meets each of the following minimum qualifications: An evaluation of each applicant's training and experience, as demonstrated in their resume and supplemental questions are weighted 100%. endstream endobj 89 0 obj <>stream At all times relevant, Plaintiff was a resident of Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon. Reports to a Risk Specialist III, Risk Manager, or other management-level position. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V endstream endobj 13 0 obj <> endobj 14 0 obj <>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0 0 612 792]/Type/Page>> endobj 15 0 obj <>stream pE+uW +[ \QJ 1 06`E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V F2/6KYj-G5C~lC#m=Zm PLOP 3000 / 3014 KBCity of Portland Risk Management 1/23/2023 2023-013219-22 pE+uW +[ \QJ V WRw + ] o ADA, Pregnancy, and Religious Accommodations: If you identify as a person with a disability, are pregnant or nursing, or observe a religious practice(s), and would like to request a reasonable accommodation when applying for this job, please contact the Recruiter below for assistance. 44 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<250B8530AEEC9F4C9D826B2035774B10>]/Index[38 9]/Length 44/Prev 1498172/Root 39 0 R/Size 47/Type/XRef/W[1 2 0]>>stream Thankful for the support of Portland Risk Managers #pdx #riskmanager #columbiasports #cityofportland #greenbriar. Discuss problems, limitations and strategies to provide all workers safe and healthy work places. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V "Claim Against The City of Portland" which he gave to the City of Portland Risk Management. hbbd`b`cb`gb`\ !&?L3v Cu Portland, OR 97219 503-516-3715 December 20, 2022 Randy Stenquist, Risk Management City of Portland 1221 SW 4th Avenue Room 430 Portland, OR 97204 Re: Leonard Berman DOB (3-16-66) v. City of Portland, et al (Notice of Tort Claim) Dear Randy: On Sunday December 18, 2022 at 4:35 p.m., I was driving downtown for a Hanukah celebration, looking for . %&9zuj9,YToM*wM;kH[kNZ>T! We strive to develop loss control practices and procedures to address these exposures. hb```b`` @f *=Eoj0tp4 ?%fbvH Xcxz=:@@4# #o Liked by Mindy Shane. Magazine: Risk Management Manual - City of Portland. hb```a`` "@9s?`` C Address safety and health provisions for temporary and contingent workers. pE+uW +[ \QJ V WRw + ] o PEv%;W *_/ Tz Kv Ud^s "+ @\ d /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V We carefully manage our watersheds, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure, and financial resources. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V 612 0 0 792 0 0 cm /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Articles, blogs, press releases, public notices, and newsletters. 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PEvW_O>?~l*ivqWi/_b6 }7>K]jqKyfph*=Fmv Jfk1U9Nqg8O?x~WVl&uk1W\m'5jE#m\~?1>xbzX.}OV $|#GL8qYguk;c+J3g1_mN3rCy?~. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V e. Were you on the job at the time of the accident? City of Portland Risk Management Sponsor's Address 1120 SW 5th Avenue Rm 709 Sponsor's City Portland Sponsor's State OR Sponsor's Zipcode 97204 Sponsor's Phone 5038235389 Sponsor's Fax 5038236120 Sponsor's Name Lonnie Turner Sponsor's Email lonnie.turner@portlandoregon.gov . Assessing safety and occupational health potential risk exposures and safety vulnerabilities of existing operations, new processes, equipment and facilities, and construction of capital projects. E-mailed and/or faxed applications will not be accepted. 46 0 obj <>stream Risk Manager City of Portland Dec 2018 - Present4 years 3 months Portland, Oregon Area Adjunct Professor Northwest Christian University Jan 2014 - Present9 years 2 months Vice Chairman of. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V 47 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[13 63]/Length 143/Prev 661558/Root 14 0 R/Size 76/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Normal business hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm. Risk Management provides risk management services and professional advice to bureaus, in alignment with City of Portland goals and values. h4 pE+uW +[ \QJ V WRw + ] o /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Give website feedback. All levels of management must take responsibility for the protection and preservation of our assets through continuous attention to safe and healthy working conditions; early identification of potential sources of loss to our employees, property, residents and the public at large. Articles, blogs, press releases, public notices, and newsletters. endstream endobj startxref /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Conducting design safety reviews of construction projects. used. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V endstream endobj 39 0 obj <> endobj 40 0 obj <>>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 41 0 obj <>stream ^?6s;VfW`H~.AJg`R|` Additional evaluation may be required prior to establishment of the eligible list and/or final selection. Your responses to the supplemental questions should include details describing your education, training and/or experience, and where obtained which clearly reflects your qualifications for each of the numbered items in the "To Qualify" section of this announcement. /Im0 Do /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V See something we could improve onthis page? Get alerts to jobs like this, to your inbox. Your resume should support the details described in your responses to the supplemental questions. 0 %PDF-1.6 % /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Risk Management staff is checking voice messages and email throughout the day, however, there may be delays in responding. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V General Information: 503-823-4000. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Providing program support, and consulting services for occupational safety and health topics including best practices, and compliance. pE+uW +[ \QJ V WRw + ] o hbbd```b``@$S6f G$, lq! /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Supporting Group and work-specific safety committees in their efforts to deliver HSSE performance and compliance across the Bureau. City of Portland . h|n0_O06I&@ [=, kshhVl]Hb+n[u1[,{>7'F!r)~#vx>+AW|>&Os~BzPv".A:)k\Oo$Dc55')R^BDl*YK46 KWZs&. Promote equity and environmental justice by reducing disparities, minimizing burdens, extending community benefits, increasing the amount of affordable housing, affirmatively furthering fair housing, proactively fighting displacement, and improving socio-economic opportunities for under-served and under-represented populations. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Copyright 2008-2023, Glassdoor, Inc. "Glassdoor" and logo are registered trademarks of Glassdoor, Inc. Risk Management Manual - City of Portland. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V English Deutsch Franais Espaol Portugus Italiano Romn Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Trke Suomi Latvian Lithuanian esk . /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ]8 BUcD ] V Planning, outreach and education, strategic, and technology projects. Other services include worker safety, loss prevention, risk assessment & third-party subrogation. BES is seeking talented individuals from diverse racial, ethnic, and socio-economic backgrounds with knowledge, ability, and experience working with a broad range of individuals and communities; and that desire to work collaboratively and creatively to broaden the variety of innovative ways to partner with and serve all Portland communities. City of Portland Risk Management 2122/2023 KB WAOP AUTO LIABILITY CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY OF PORTLAND * for auto accidents involving a vehicle * 2023-013357-22 File Number: A claim must be filed with City of Portland Risk Management within 180 days after the occurrence of the incident or event. Xs26pM}_~:">>5mmwYwgktU/ z-P.X{.7,/DSKG VK.*D)ih&{K1=l|G-iG;j*X\yUt%67*{vh9x-l(2Ngq|^|jsb:/)d?5sR+ 86&+^"Noyd'UiQJ=jZM,|*W;WKwK>S WVhXv}:6CObT_qAGG>#c!/Lb:NU/x-lBA+;xJei.&W.O$.'x)1fr\2yUof%\HGsIu0{ A,v7yv^]ks?r.%JGI g?O>H;. The City of Portland ensures meaningful access to City programs, services, and activities to comply with Civil Rights Title VI and ADA Title II laws and reasonably provides: translation, interpretation, modifications, accommodations, alternative formats, auxiliary aids and services. J;3 /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V /Im0 Do /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Work Status: Non-citizen applicants must be authorized to work in the United States at the time of application. Planning, outreach and education, strategic, and technology projects. PEv%;W *_/ Tz Kv Ud^s "+ @\ d The City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) is seeking an amazing individual for a Safety Specialist position to support the bureau's Health, Safety, Security, and Environment (HSSE) efforts. Services and Information Policies Featured content ibS @ /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V This position reports to the BES HSSE Manager and is responsible for developing, reviewing, analyzing, recommending, and implementing . }0J=O R /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V 1221 SW 4th Avenue, Room 110, Portland, OR 97204. Risk Management Division. ,N/uL-/Q{z8}?gg`t5e+NQxWR8r\YJTnXORz;WWT(\\w5Z}?)Ly5f 6-Ef[wff7&zGVa|7mYHMgo_J%rY_{+[ZGkjKci;`H^=++}u02|Bh9Uhm'Zfp+8vi4gG}:|H?7ku#ctn>n/Q}wT~ c;? EN. PEv%;W *_/ Tz Kv Ud^s "+ @\ d /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Plaintiff is a qualified individual with a disability. Give website feedback. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Opportunities posted to governmentjobs.com, City of Portland general information hotline. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Risk's mission is to efficiently and properly identify, manage, mitigate and finance risks; seeking to reduce the frequency and severity of claims and their associated costs. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V A claim must be filed with City of Portland Risk Management within 180 days after the occurrence of the incident or event . /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V PEv%;W *_/ Tz Kv Ud^s "+ @\ d Incomplete or inappropriate information may result in disqualification. Risk is self-insured and buys commercial insurance for risks not self-insured. /uW } Kc^8y CC$)T$efB 3@,ip L,@D /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V 'C!r[?QBj:LhqrQpf4 Leading and participating in incident investigations and root cause analysis. E-mail: cityinfo@portlandoregon.gov. This manual presents a brief overview of the programs and services outlined in the table of contents, their purpose, and how to access and use them: Revised 07/12/04 3, THE RISK DIVISION, SECTION I Risk Division Staffing The staff of the Risk Division is available to serve as a resource to assist City departments in their safety and loss control efforts. In 2022, National Comp is creating more opportunities to learn how to address the evolving challenges in workers' comp AND creating new, exciting opportunities to network with the industry's most influential executives, thought leaders, and fellow attendees. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Thank you for your understanding. /uW } uL !1|" } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V q City of Portland Risk Management 12/29/2022 J J TRMN 2730 / 2732 GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY OF PORTLAND File Number: * for damages to persons or property * 2022-0131 16-20 A claim must be filed with City of Portland Risk Management within 180 days after the occurrence of the incident or event. '$p]=EaurPn6up ADY*<>(.IR/D,O%2JQf$_2FZlX(kQYGjZ{Q_, Ecs*:r,U^Xo. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V You have already flagged this document.Thank you, for helping us keep this platform clean.The editors will have a look at it as soon as possible. 874-8431 Home 854-8637 Cell 232-0898 Jonathan Anderson, Safety & Training Officer. Work 874-8608 Home 353-5710 Cell 233-7417 Neil Jordan, Safety & Training Officer.. Risk Management staff is telecommuting until further notice. Not signed up? /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Thank you for your understanding. Risk Management | The City of Portland, Oregon About Us Divisions Risk Management Risk Management Risk Management Division Please Note! /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V This manual is designed to assist you in recognizing those risks and determining what action to take to avoid them, and minimizing those losses which may be unavoidable. He was realistic, compassionate, responsive, diligent and supportive. /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V h2T0PwqH)BDKP5/9?%3/pqsO (X e@bQ.I /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V . %9) /uW } K `E_ +Rw XQ+ ] V Relevant professional certification(s), for example Certified Safety Professional (CSP), Associate Safety Professional (ASP), Construction Safety & Health Technician (CHST), Occupational Health & Safety Technologist (OHST), Certified Utility Safety Professional (CUSP), Certified Occupational Safety Specialist (COSS), Certificate in Industrial Hygiene (CIH). rokos capital management salary, cathleen cagney cause of death, what happened to dr carl baugh,
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