why animals should not be kept in zoos articles

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For them, the best option is to fight back. Declawing is extremely painful and causes permanent disability. But relatively early in their evolution, a German exotic animal importer named Carl Hagenbeck changed the way wild animals were exhibited. Another time, one of the orangutans, Kumang, learned how to use sticks to ground the current in the electrical wire around her enclosure. But whether recent events have triggered a profound shift in public consciousness is harder to . What Cause Extinction What Can We Do To Stop It? See Related: Endangered Species in California. When it comes to lethal force and animal welfare, at least, public opinion swiftly sides against zoos. These laws help the animals and also people, since wild animals in captivity present a serious public safety risk. Drugs given to animals include sedatives and antipsychotic drugs. After being captives of the pandemic for more than a year, we have begun experiencing the pleasures of simple outings: dining al fresco, shopping with a friend, taking a stroll through the zoo. Marine mammals are best protected by cleaning up and protecting their habitats. All Rights are Resvered. They are removed from their natural habitats and confined to small limited spaces and often forced to perform tricks or entertain visitors. Such a transformation might free up some space. A common criticism is that the inspectors are often inadequately trained to look for sign of problems such as abuse and neglect. Today's zoos are extremely important to saving wild animals and their habitats. How Does Saving Water Help Climate Change? ", PETA's Bekhechi adds, the aim of breeding programmes is just "to produce baby animals to attract visitors.". To many people, a trip to the zoo is a fun day out for the family. Zookeepers are not mustache-twirling villains. Animal rights activists argue that hunting, capturing, and putting animals on display is unethical. However, looking back as an adult with a world-savvy eye, there is far more to animal captivity than meets the eye. Though the zoos business has grown from what it was over a century ago, there are still some things that can be improved. Polar bears have one million times less space. Animals in the wild are naturally shy to humans. Properly curated and interpreted, a well-run garden can be a site for a rewarding outing with friends or family, a source of education for the 27 percent of people who read signs and a point of civic pride. An estimated 20 red wolves are all that remain in the wild. By designing these enclosures so that many animals could be seen at once, without any bars or walls in the visitors lines of sight, he created an immersive panorama, in which the fact of captivity was supplanted by the illusion of being in nature. Persuasive Speech: Why Animals Should Not be kept in Zoos. It is not possible to have zookeepers versed in a detailed understanding of every single species. First and foremost, captivity can be extremely detrimental to an animal's physical and mental well-being. See Related: Animals That Have Become Extinct in the Last 100 Years. The U.S. became a signatory to CITES in 1975. Sanctuaries occupy a "gray area," says Tanya Espinosa, a . This gives the poor pets a home and creates a revenue stream for the zoos. With their apes, elephants, big cats, and other large and smart species gone, they could expand enclosures for the rest of the animals, concentrating on keeping them lavishly happy until their natural deaths. In most cases, animals in zoos lead very unhappy lives. Zoo animals sustain both physical and psychological scars from harsh zookeepers. Outside of providing sufficient space to allow natural behaviors to develop, issues such as climate, diet, and the formation of a social hierarchy where appropriate make running a zoo a difficult task. These wild animals are sold at auctions, pet stores or over the internet. But that day of release never quite seems to come. In 1898, the reason was cited by the New York Zoological Society when it resolved to inform the public of the continued decline in animal populations, to stimulate sentiment in favor of animal protection, and to cooperate with scientific organizations to ensure the preservation of species. Animals in zoos are easier to get various kinds of diseases because there are thousands of people around the animal every day. When zoos find themselves with surplus animals, they need to find ways to reduce their numbers. Especially animals like lions that are used to roaming vast distances in the wild in search of food. They are used to collect exotic pets from owners who are looking to get rid of them. Its zookeepers who arent fond of animals that go around hurting animals even when they havent been provoked. However, the truth remains that zoos often have insufficient knowledge of the animals they are housing. As long as there is demand should zoos exist essay them, zoos will continue to exist. Privacy Policy. Ms. Marris is an environmental writer and the author of the forthcoming book Wild Souls: Freedom and Flourishing in the Non-Human World.. How Similar is Human DNA to Other Animals, Animals That Have Become Extinct in the Last 100 Years, 9 Best Solar-Powered Computers to Buy Today, 10 Impactful Ways to Conserve Coral Reefs. Read on to find out why animals should not be kept in zoos. Alas, theres plenty of heartbreaking evidence that many are not. A peer-reviewed 2017 study in the . The California condor shows what zoos can accomplish. Why? The required standard of care for wild animals, such as those held by zoos, is wide-ranging and nigh on impossible for zoos to provide. What began as a way to pass time soon became a compulsion. If an animal cannot be given sufficient space or is suffering from stress and not behaving as expected, the zoo is within its right to kill the animal s. WHY ANIMALS SHOULD NOT BE KEPT IN CAPTIVITY By "Phillip" Hungry, depressed, and unable to connect. Our EIN number is 94-2681680. at the time estimated that between 3,000 and 5,000 animals are euthanized in European zoos each year. What if zoos stopped breeding all their animals, with the possible exception of any endangered species with a real chance of being released back into the wild? Zoos are home to many animals. This alteration of the animals behavior will eventually do more harm than good. See Related: What Is The Hunters Role in Wildlife Conservation? The ongoing extinction crises shows that zoos are needed - even for common species. For some animals in zoos, the shock of their relocation alone can be fatal. Trading in Wild Animals: Every year, thousands of animals enter the captive wild animal trade. Due to the low density of the population of some animals in their natural ecosystems they struggle to find partners. A 2019 report by World Animal Protection found that captive animals exhibitedabnormal levels of aggression, indicating that the attack in Miami Seaquarium was a direct result of captivity, despite claims that it is an isolated incident and is uncommon. 525 East Cotati Avenue,Cotati, CA 94931 However, not all of them are suitable for captivity and are better left alone in the wild. Genes evolved over time to help the animal adjust to a man-made habitat can be a downside to the populations of the species in the wild. I remember well the awe and joy on their faces, 15 years later. Zoos also say that they save the endangered animals, but all they really care about is how much crowd the animal draws. She could then climb the wire without being shocked. Zoos are expensive to run, often have a very tight budget, and cannot afford to maintain and support animals that do not pull their weight in terms of attraction. In the age of social media, high profile culls have sparked heated debates. That claim is up for debate. Some of these animals are surplus from roadside zoos. They go to get out of the house, to get their children some fresh air, to see interesting animals. Wild animals have certain behaviors that are uniquely influenced by their environments. See Related: Animals With the Best Sense of Smell. The California condor breeding program, which almost certainly saved the species from extinction, includes five zoos as active partners. Even the best zoological park cannot fully capture the wild, and many smaller zoos fail to take effective measures to ensure the health and well-being of their animals. Many animals in zoos are not used to confinement. Keeping endangered animals in zoos infringes on those individuals' rights to freedom. Non-native animals are held in conditions that vary greatly from what they are used to living in. These refuge-zoos could become places where animals live. These are highly intelligent animals with complex social constructs that scientists have studied for . The Arabian oryx, an antelope native to the Arabian Peninsula, went extinct in the wild in the 1970s and then was reintroduced into the wild from zoo populations. It gets even worse for the animal if the trainer is impatient, the poor beast will have to endure beatings over commands they dont understand. He also found many examples of zoo elephants hurting or killing their keepers and evidence that zoos routinely downplayed or even lied about those incidents. The animals too have rights and they shouldnt be subjected to half the things they undergo. Animals held captive in zoos are in very small environments such as cages, and they have no freedom. If one could simply stop urging and encouraging zoos then maybe someday animals get to live in the free wild as they please. The fewer than two dozen non-participants include North Korea, the Federated States of Micronesia, and Turkmenistan. In normalizing captivity zoos, and teaching animals to perform tricks for human entertainment, zoos and animal sanctuaries are spreading the message that animal captivity to normal, healthy, and fully acceptable. Eventually, the only animals on display would be a few ancient holdovers from the old menageries, animals in active conservation breeding programs and perhaps a few rescues. Tigers and lions have around 18,000 times less space in zoos than they would in the wild. The others ran, and she pursued them, ignoring all other humans in her path. Lack of Sufficient Space No matter how dedicated a zoo is, it can't meet the space requirements for most of its animals. Sadly, most of these associations end up protecting the interests of their members, and not the animals they should be protecting. Zoo elephants tend to die young. Animals are forced to sleep, eat, and defecate in the same small area. Animals have been going extinct for as long as there has been life on earthany weakling or disadvantageous animals get wiped out. In addition, a costlier but more educational option is to make arrangements to view animals in the wild. The Dark Truth behind Bear Bile Uses: Hidden Costs of Traditional Medicine, The Untold Story of Factory-farmed Cows the Consequences for Animal and Human Health, Are Giraffes Endangered? A zoological park is defined as an establishment designed for conservation, study, and public display. Keeping animals in captivity can prevent their extinction. Ive been to zoos and aquariums in Winnipeg, Vancouver, and Vancouver Island, not to mention those in the Netherlands, Belgium, and France. I do not doubt that some people had their passion for a particular species, or wildlife in general, sparked by zoo experiences. The polar bears in Winnipeg have disco poo. They argue that no animal should be forced to spend their life in an unnatural environment and perform. Before anyone starts sprinkling the stuff on their cornflakes, this isn't the hottest new beauty trend nor is it a natural phenomenon: Assiniboine Park Zoo's keepers use coloured glitter in the bears' feed to identify their droppings. However, there are some disadvantages of zoos to the environment ranging from overpopulation of a species to global warming. Animals in captivity can struggle to adapt to their new environment. They are kind people, bonded to their charges and immersed in the culture of the zoo, in which they are the good guys. Elephants arent the only species that try to flee a zoo life. With increased awareness about the cruelty involved with keeping wild animals in captivity, more and more jurisdictions are enacting legal protections. Terrifying, Pre-Historic-Looking Fish Captured in the Ocean's Twilight Zone; What Is It? Life expectancy for animals in captivity depends on a couple of things, such as their way of life, among other factors. Most people arent always comfortable seeing animals that are kept in zoos. NASA's DART Mission Successfully Changed the Trajectory of Space Rock Dimorphos, Asteroid Ryugu Richly Harbors Building Blocks of Life, Scientists Reveal, SpaceXs Crew-6 Astronauts Aboard Dragon Capsule Endeavor Will Arrive at Space Station Early Friday [WATCH LIVE]. "Animals in zoos suffer tremendously, both physically and mentally. Some zoo animals try to escape. Exotic animals have become very popular, but they are also dangerous in so many ways. When the caretakers are not well informed about the animals they are to be taking care of, it can be problematic. Animals in the wild are naturally shy to humans. These tours often pretend to talk about their animals natural habitat and inclinations. Do not reproduce without permission. That doesnt mean there havent been criticisms. This isnt always guaranteed since the breeding practices could be insufficient or even produce animals that are not suitable for survival in the wild. However, they are really just teaching children about caring for animals in captivity. Meanwhile, small changes at the officemight be one good way to cut significant emissions, writes Carlos Gamarra. They bought tickets, and the wild creatures should behave accordingly. The allure of baby animals and the crowds they pull can lead a zoological garden director to increase them to keep attracting customers. Understanding the optimal requirements for the reproduction of certain animals can be difficult. In the 1980s, a group of orangutans escaped several times at the San Diego Zoo. Captive tigers pace back and forth, and in a 2014 study, researchers found that the time devoted to pacing by a species in captivity is best predicted by the daily distances traveled in nature by the wild specimens. It is almost as if they feel driven to patrol their territory, to hunt, to move, to walk a certain number of steps, as if they have a Fitbit in their brains. Tatiana the tiger, kept in the San Francisco Zoo, snapped one day in 2007 after three teenage boys had been taunting her. Alex shares his life with his wife (to-be), children and stepchildren, a herd of guinea pigs, and numerous tropical fish, frogs and snails. Capturing animals even smart ones like apes, for amusement shouldnt be going on anywhere. In this article, we will take a look at why zoos teach children the wrong lesson about captive animals. Many people consider zoos amoral and cruel while others have the notion . Most zoos dont focus on the educational aspect of zoos; the animals are mainly kept for amusement. [WATCH]. An animals worth is only equal to the attraction it offers to visitors. Artificial environments. 7 reasons why animals in captivity deserve freedom. Now, Alex writes full-time, and when hes not working on an article, hes knee-deep in writing fiction. This is particularly true if the animal is there for entertainment. In the end, he said, we live with our own constraints. He added, We are all captive in some regards to social and ethical and religious and other constraints on our life and our activities.. These standards set a low bar and are widely considered to be sub-par in protecting animals. And Steve Irwin's Australia Zoo has an on-site Wildlife Hospital to save sick and injured native species. Even though they might be getting enough food, if your animals are not okay mentally they might still not live to their full potential. Instead, they will hire generalists with a degree of knowledge specificity and run with that. PETA isn't alone. Little Joe, a gorilla, escaped from the Franklin Park Zoo in Boston twice in 2003. The statistics on the number of big cats alone that have died in captivity between 1990 and 2021 is 126. This becomes a major blow to the biodiversity of the affected region. In zoos vets and biologist help to prevent inbreeding. Wed like to hear what you think about this or any of our articles. There is no end to the risk of cross-contamination and disease spread, especially when considering the fact that lots of zoos fail to provide the correct standard of care. There are a great many negative effects of zoos on animals.When we visit zoos, we can see they often go to great lengths in order to recreate the animals natural habitats. Captive animals need better laws, and better enforcement of those laws. See Related: Best Wildlife Conservation Jobs. A.Z.A. ", Published in the June 2017 issue of National Geographic Traveller (UK), What to do in the Forest of Bowland, Lancashire, How to plan and book an Indian rail odyssey, Four of the best luxury sleeper trains in India, How Miami is re-embracing its modernist architecture, Where to eat in Clitheroe, the Ribble Valley's culinary hotspot, Copyright 1996-2015 National Geographic Society. Zoos shifted just slightly from overt demonstrations of mastery over beasts to a narrative of benevolent protection of individual animals. Wild dolphins swim up to 40 miles day with the other members of their pod, while captive dolphins are forced to swim in tiny pools with unfamiliar dolphins day after day. ViewResources. Here are some of the major ways that these jurisdictions are protecting wild captive animals under the law: Restricting Private Parties From Keeping Wild Animals: Some states ban the keeping of wild and exotic animals. However, when the animals being culled arent in demand, they might find themselves facing death. Yes And Someone is Paying Attention, Swimming with The Seahorse: Discover Their Mystical Charisma. See Related: Are Humans Animals? Reintroduced animals have a hard time coping with life in the wild after long periods away. Some surplus animals or injured animals are even fed to predators as a means of life-cycle maintenance. There is an undeniable thrill, seeing animals in zoos, circuses, movies, television shows, and amusement parks. Such zoos might even be merged with sanctuaries, places that take wild animals that because of injury or a lifetime of captivity cannot live in the wild. Why Are Puppy Mills Bad: The Numerous Reasons Why They Must Be Stopped And How You, yes you, Can Help! (This law does not affect zoos or circuses.). In 1982, only 22 condors existed in the wild. The AWA only applies to some captive wild animals. Protect animals by boycotting roadside zoos.

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