Ancient Hebrew: The pictograph is a picture of the head of a man, the is a picture of wall that separates the inside from the outside. KJV Translations: dash, vex Strong's Hebrew #: h.7492, ( ) Definition: An unjustifiable killing or slaughter. 5 of them have special end forms (e.g., Kaph); together with the final characters there are 27 signs, but still 22 letters. 03: Gilgal and Jericho. KJV Translations: council Strong's Hebrew #: h.7277, ( fem., ) Translation: SLING Definition: [To be verified] A weapon for slinging stones. Evidence of design in the original Hebrew text of the Bible. KJV Translations: cliff Strong's Hebrew #: h.6178, ( ) Definition: A breaking into pieces by throwing. To be infected with leprosy, mildew or mold. KJV Translations: gutter, trough, gallery Strong's Hebrew #: h.7298. 01: "You are gods": What did Jesus mean? ( common, / ) Translation: BETROTH (V) Definition: A promise or contract of impending marriage. KJV Translations: lift, exalt, high, offer, give, heave, extol, lofty, take, tall Strong's Hebrew #: h.7311 Aramaic Spelling: Strong's Aramaic #: a.7313, ( masc., ) Translation: HIGH Definition: [To be verified] Something that is lifted up. KJV Translations: fourth Strong's Hebrew #: h.7255, ( masc., / ar-ba-ah ) ( fem., / ar-ba ) Translation: FOUR Definition: A cardinal number. It represents the 7th day of Shabbat (Sabbath), the day of rest and spirituality, which completes the process of the 6 days of creation. KJV Translations: love Strong's Hebrew #: h.7474, ( masc., / mir-eh ) Translation: FEEDING.PLACE Definition: A place of feeding or grazing. The letter Resh is one of the letters in the Hebrew alphabet that initiates or begins, that starts something. KJV Translations: root, bottom, deep, heel Strong's Hebrew #: h.8328 Strong's Aramaic #: a.8330, ( fem., ) Translation: UPROOT Definition: [To be verified] In the sense of being taken out. KJV Translations: chain Strong's Hebrew #: h.7242, ( common, / r.b.k ) Translation: FRY (V) KJV Translations: fry, bake Strong's Hebrew #: h.7246, ( ) Definition: The four sides of a square. KJV Translations: palace, castle Strong's Hebrew #: h.0759, ( common, ) Translation: LIFT (V) KJV Translations: lift Strong's Hebrew #: h.7213, ( masc., ) Translation: RHINOCEROS Definition: A large land animal where some species have one horn (Latin: unicornis) and others have two (Latin: bicornis). ( common, ) Translation: GRIEVE (V) KJV Translations: displease, grieve, grievous, evil, ill, harm, sad Strong's Hebrew #: h.3415. The Ancient picture for this letter is , the head of a man. KJV Translations: thunder, roar, trouble, fret Strong's Hebrew #: h.7481, ( masc., ) Translation: THUNDER KJV Translations: thunder Strong's Hebrew #: h.7482, ( fem., ) Translation: MANE.OF.A.HORSE Definition: > KJV Translations: thunder Strong's Hebrew #: h.7483, ( ) Definition: As the shaking of the earth. Relationship to Root: As collected substances. KJV Translations: grisled Strong's Hebrew #: h.1261, ( ) Relationship to Parent: as a wanderer, ( masc., ) Translation: WILD.DONKEY Definition: > KJV Translations: wild ass Strong's Aramaic #: a.6167, ( masc., ) Translation: WILD.DONKEY KJV Translations: wild ass Strong's Hebrew #: h.6171, ( masc., ) Translation: FLEET Definition: > KJV Translations: n/a Strong's Hebrew #: [Found in names only]. ( masc., / re-hheh ) Translation: MILLSTONE Definition: A large circular stone that is revolved on top of another stone to grind grain into flour. Alternate Spellings: KJV Translations: plead, strive, contend, chide, debate Strong's Hebrew #: h.7378, ( masc., / riv ) Translation: DISPUTE Definition: Bitter, sometimes violent conflict or dissension. KJV Translations: savour, smell, scent Strong's Hebrew #: h.7381 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7382, ( ) Relationship to Parent: as a path, ( common, / d.r.k ) Translation: STEP.UPON (V) Definition: To take a step. Relationship to Root: A relief from the heat from a wind. KJV Translations: pursue, persecute, follow, chase, persecutors, pursuer, flight Strong's Hebrew #: h.7291, ( masc., ) Translation: PURSUED KJV Translations: persecuted Strong's Hebrew #: h.4783, ( ) Definition: A trembling out of fear. ( masc., ) Translation: STRIVE KJV Translations: strive, contend Strong's Hebrew #: h.3401. KJV Translations: appearance, sight, countenance, vision, favoured, look Strong's Hebrew #: h.4758, ( masc., ) Translation: SEEING KJV Translations: see, look, gazingstock Strong's Hebrew #: h.7210, ( masc., ) Translation: VISION KJV Translations: vision Strong's Hebrew #: h.7203, ( fem., ) Translation: CRAW Definition: The insides of a bird. Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek agree that the sound for this letter is an "r." ( ) Action: Heal, Sink, Pulverize, Burn Object: Medicine, Idol, Venom Abstract: Sick, Weak Definition: Wounds, sickness and illnesses are cured with medicines made from plant materials which were pulverized into a medicinal powder. KJV Translations: pavement Strong's Hebrew #: h.4837. ( common, / r.g.ah ) Translation: REPOSE (V) Definition: To stir as in stirring the waters or to stir from sleep. Alternate Spellings: KJV Translations: tread, stamp, trample, oppressor Strong's Hebrew #: h.7429, h.7430, ( masc., / re-mes ) Translation: TREADER Definition: A creature that crawls or creeps on something. ( ) Object: Cedar, Cypress, Thin Definition: The bark of the cedar tree is pulled off in long thin strips which can be woven into a cords. KJV Translations: ewe, sheep Strong's Hebrew #: h.7353, ( common, / r.hh.ts ) Translation: BATHE (V) Definition: To cleanse by being immersed in, or washing with, water. ( ) Definition: A heavy flowing of water. Paste selected hebrew text symbols to your application by tapping paste or CTRL+V. KJV Translations: couchingplace, lie down Strong's Hebrew #: h.4769, ( ) Relationship to Parent: spread out, ( masc., ) Translation: FATTED Definition: [To be verified] Livestock that is penned or tied up to fatten it for a feast or sacrifice. KJV Translations: wash, bathe, trust Strong's Hebrew #: h.7364 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7365, ( masc., ) Translation: BATH KJV Translations: washpot Strong's Hebrew #: h.7366, ( fem., ) Translation: BATHING KJV Translations: washing Strong's Hebrew #: h.7367, ( ) Relationship to Parent: traveling, ( common, / r.k.b ) Translation: RIDE (V) Definition: To sit and travel in any conveyance; to sit astride an animal, wagon or chariot. The letter ( resh) represents wickedness, as the word for a wicked person ( rasha) begins with a resh. Also, the top millstone as a wheel that rides on top of the lower millstone. The path or manner of life. KJV Translations: lie, den Strong's Hebrew #: h.0695, ( fem., ) Translation: STRUGGLE Definition: [To be verified] A wresting around as an ambush. Hebrew alphabet, either of two distinct Semitic alphabetsthe Early Hebrew and the Classical, or Square, Hebrew. Its origin as a geometrical symbol in Kabbalah is veiled in mystery. ( masc., / ra-hat ) Translation: TROUGH Definition: A long, shallow often V-shaped receptacle for the drinking water or food of domestic animals. KJV Translations: slow, longsuffering, patient Strong's Hebrew #: h.0750, ( fem., ) Translation: LENGTHENING KJV Translations: lengthening Aramaic Spelling: Strong's Aramaic #: a.0754, ( masc., ) Translation: LONG KJV Translations: long, longer Strong's Hebrew #: h.0752, ( fem., ) Translation: REPAIR Definition: [To be verified] A reconstruction or healing that causes longer life. Hebrew is an ancient language with many interesting features! The Word Bereshit () in Hebrew letters is: Tav, Yud, Shin, Alef, Resh, Beit (Hebrew is read right to left.) ( ) Action: Scour Object: Trough, Rafter, Bright Abstract: Fear Definition: The digging out of something for making a basin or trough. ( common, / r.b.b ) Translation: INCREASE.IN.NUMBER (V) Definition: To become progressively greater; to multiply by the production of young. Also, a month by counting its cycles. Relationship to Parent: The perscribed path of the sun, ( common, / z.r.hh ) Translation: COME.UP (V) Definition: To rise up, as the sun does at the horizon. Possible solutions to this problem: Adding the word for "thousands". Secret of the Hebrew letter Resh Secret of the Hebrew letter (Resh) reveals the Messiah. KJV Translations: cedar Strong's Hebrew #: h.0729, ( common, ) Translation: SHRIVEL (V) Definition: [To be verified] To be made thin. KJV Translations: offering, oblation, sacrifice Strong's Hebrew #: h.7133, ( ) Definition: Spread out as a bed covering. KJV Translations: goodly Strong's Hebrew #: h.7443, ( fem., ) Translation: SHOUTING KJV Translations: joyful, triumphing, singing Strong's Hebrew #: h.7445, ( masc., ) Translation: OREN Definition: [To be verified] An unknown tree. An eastward direction as the place of the rising sun. The End Was Revealed From the Beginning. ( masc., / ram ) Translation: RAISED Definition: Lifted up in position or in exaltation. Edenics: rug - as woven and trampled on; harangue; wrong KJV Translations: slay, kill, murderer, destroy, murder, slayer Strong's Hebrew #: h.2026, ( masc., ) Translation: SLAUGHTER KJV Translations: slaughter, slain Strong's Hebrew #: h.2027, ( fem., ) Translation: SLAUGHTER KJV Translations: slaughter Strong's Hebrew #: h.2028, ( ) Definition: A quiet whisper to be unheard or in slander. . KJV Translations: ride, rider, horseback, put, set, carry Strong's Hebrew #: h.7392, ( masc., / re-khev ) Translation: VEHICLE Definition: A wheeled transport such as a wagon or chariot used for transportation. KJV Translations: many, great, much, captain, more, long, enough, multitude, mighty, greater, greatly, archer Strong's Hebrew #: h.7227, h.7228 Strong's Aramaic #: a.7229, ( fem., ) Translation: GREAT.NUMBER KJV Translations: increase, greatest, multitude Strong's Hebrew #: h.4768, ( fem., ) Translation: MUCH Definition: [To be verified] As an increase. ( common, / r.b.h ) Translation: INCREASE (V) Definition: To become progressively greater; to multiply by the production of young; to be abundant of number, strength or authority. KJV Translations: thin, lean Strong's Hebrew #: h.7534, ( masc., / raq ) Translation: ONLY Definition: A single instance or thing and nothing more or different. Also, a kin, as a near relative. KJV Translations: root Strong's Hebrew #: h.8327, ( masc., ) Translation: ROOT Definition: The underground part of a plant. Alt + 1460. ( ) Definition: A woven rug that is laid on the floor of the tent for walking on. square-formed ancient letter, in those cases where translators have substituted an English letter with a different thought-vibratory rate, occult students use a true vibratory equivalent. ( masc., / rav ) ( fem., / ra-bah ) Translation: ABUNDANT Definition: Great plenty or supply of numbers (many) or strength (great). KJV Translations: bottom Strong's Hebrew #: h.7507. The wood or tree or something made it. In it is the word for poor Rash, but when it is filled the power of the Aleph it becomes Rosh , head or first, expressing the Firstness, Oneness, and Eternity of the Creator, and the . ( masc., ) Translation: FRAGMENT Relationship to Root: Broken fragments of a pot which were commonly used as writing surfaces for messages. [note 1] The letter represents a voiced pharyngeal fricative ( / /) or a similarly articulated consonant. KJV Translations: weave, weaver Strong's Hebrew #: h.0707, ( masc., ) Translation: BEAM Definition: [To be verified] A weavers beam. ( common, / a.r.r ) Translation: SPIT.UPON (V) Definition: To eject saliva, usually on another in spite or disrespect. Alternate Spellings: KJV Translations: fiery, serpent, seraphim Strong's Hebrew #: h.8314, ( fem., / se-rey-phah ) Translation: CREMATING Definition: The act of burning a dead body to ashes. The Bullae of the Son of from the City of David - Daniel Vainstub - Read online for free. Relationship to Parent: shaking, ( common, ) Translation: QUAKE (V) Definition: To violently shake. Tav = Cross Shin = Teeth Ayin = Eye, See Alef = Ox Yod = Hand Vav = Nail Dalet = Door Chet = Fence Bet = Home Lamed = Tongue Mem = Water Resh= Head of a Man. ( masc., ) Translation: TENDERNESS KJV Translations: tender Strong's Hebrew #: h.7391, ( fem., / ya-rey-akh ) Translation: MIDSECTION Definition: The lower abdomen and back. The head of a person, place, thing or time. ( ) Definition: The moving mass of a swarm. Ancient Hebrew Pictographs and Their Meanings Additional Meanings: 1.